
The extensive wetland system at the Wildlife Sanctuary (and wider University campus) is an ideal area for frogs to breed.

Two families of frogs occur in Victoria; Hylidae or Tree Frogs and Myobatrachinae or Southern Frogs.

Well vegetated wetlands with large amounts of ground cover in the form of rocks and logs, ensure sufficient cover. Did you know that apart from the breeding season, most species of frogs spend the most of their time away from the water?

Species status*

R - resident, no known breeding; RB - resident, breeding; T - transient; NR - near resident and regular visitor; X - has occurred but now locally extinct

Growling Grass Frog, Litoria raniformis (X)Common Froglet, Ranidella signifera (RB)
Southern Brown (Ewing's) Tree Frog, Litoria ewingii (RB)Common Spadefoot Toad, Neobratrachus sudelli (R)
Whistling Tree Frog, Litoria verreauxii (R)Pobblebonk or Eastern Banjo FrogLymnodynastes dumerili (RB)
-Spotted Marsh Frog, Lynmodynastes tasmaniensis (RB)
-Striped Marsh Frog, Lymnodynastes peroni (R)
-Victorian Smooth Froglet, Geocrinia victoriana (X)

*Taken from  Management Plan 2014 by Biosis

Scientific nomenclature is constantly changing! Names were accurate at the time of putting this together. We recommend cross checking names with Atlas of Living Australia.