Our Performance

Our sustainability performance data is updated quarterly:

Our most recent annual performance results

Our most recently collated annual performance results shown against our previous results and targets are detailed below. La Trobe's annual performance reporting aligns with the calendar year and is generally updated in the second quarter of each year.

Sustainability reporting

National Pollutant Inventory

The National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) provides the community, industry and government with free information about substance emissions in Australia. It has emission estimates for 93 toxic substances and the source and location of these emissions. More than 4,000 facilities from a wide range of industry sectors report annually to the NPI.

La Trobe University reports on its annual natural gas combustion within the Melbourne Campus trigeneration system and high temperature hot water boilers and the related air emissions in September each year. The reports can be viewed on the NPI website.

United Nations Global Compact - Communication on Engagement

The United Nations Global Compact – Communication on Engagement (COE) report demonstrate La Trobe’s continued engagement with the UN Global Compact, submitted every two years. The COE discloses to stakeholders specific activities that La Trobe takes in support of the UN Global Compact, including incorporating the Global Compact principles into internal operations and communicating progress, delivering education on related topics, conducting applied research and thought leadership and disseminating the Global Compact principles.

La Trobe University Annual Report

The La Trobe University Annual report contains La Trobe’s sustainability and environmental performance including energy, waste, water, paper, transport and greenhouse gas emissions. The report is published yearly, in alignment with the Victorian Government’s Financial Reporting Direction 24D.

Climate Active Certifications

Climate Active is an Australian Government program that supports national climate policy by driving voluntary climate action by Australian businesses.

Four of La Trobe’s regional campuses – Albury-Wodonga, Bendigo, Mildura and Shepparton – are certified by Climate Active as carbon neutral. This is part of the Net Zero Program, and these campuses will continue to be recertified every year.

National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting

La Trobe University is required to report annual greenhouse gas emissions, energy production and energy consumption data to the Clean Energy Regulator.

By 28th February each year, the Clean Energy Regulator must publish some of the data reported under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act for the previous reporting (financial) year.

In accordance with section 24 of the NGER Act, if a registered corporation has scope 1 and scope 2 emissions above the publishing threshold of 50 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions, the following totals are published:

  • scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions
  • scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions
  • net energy consumption