Leadership and partnerships in Sustainable Development

At La Trobe, we lead in sustainability through strategic partnerships and innovative initiatives, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are a global initiative created by the United Nations (UN).

They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected.

For La Trobe, the goals are a way of tracking our effectiveness towards a holistic sustainable approach. It gives us a framework to set our own goals against, ensuring we’re taking an all-inclusive approach to tackling the sustainability issues of our time.

The United Nations Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. Since 2010, La Trobe University has been committed to the principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We continue to focus on embedding these principles in all of our activities.

You can read more about our commitment in our 2023 submission [PDF 748.9 KB] to the United Nations Global Compact.

Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability

La Trobe is a member of Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS), a not-for-profit member-led organisation that creates and supports a range of programs, resources, developmental and networking opportunities for members and organisations working towards a sustainable, just and equitable future.

Climate Network

The La Trobe Climate Network (LTCN), established in 2019, brings together academics across La Trobe University whose research and teaching engages with the challenges faced by climate change and climate resilience.

Our work aligns with the University’s Net Zero initiative and the recently endorsed Climate Change Position Statement.

“La Trobe University recognises the extreme risks climate change poses to the economic, ecological and social futures of our students, staff and communities, both local and international. We accept the scientific consensus that responding to climate change requires ‘rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes to all aspects of society’.

La Trobe is committed to demonstrating leadership on climate change in our research, teaching and operations.

We will be carbon neutral by 2029 and will develop the best sustainability and climate-resilient practices across our campuses.

We will equip our students to understand the complexities of climate change. We will develop their capacity to create climate-resilient lives and communities and to contribute to shaping a low-carbon future.

Our research will promote interdisciplinary inquiry in order to build a safer, more equitable and sustainable world. We will include the climate crisis in our research and forge partnerships with those seeking to build a resilient and just future.”

Members from the Climate Network come from a broad range of academic disciplines and our work traverses a range of themes relating to dealing with challenges of living in a changing environment. The LTCN’s internal research development scheme, spearheaded by La Trobe’s Research Focus Areas, supports the development of climate-themed research projects with pilot funding. La Trobe also has a range of climate-related curriculum options, including the recently-launched Environmental Humanities major [PDF 174KB] in our Bachelor of Arts.

Our work traverses a range of themes relating to dealing with challenges of living in a changing environment and has significantly contributed to La Trobe’s overall ranking of fourth in the world for Impact in the 2020 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2020.

Specially, in the area of climate change and adaptation, La Trobe ranked:

  • 17th for Life on Land, which assessed the University’s research, education and actions to support land ecosystems
  • 25th for Life below Water
  • 56th for Affordable and Clean Energy
  • 72nd for Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 98th for Quality Education; and
  • Placed in the 101-200 range for Climate Action.

The Clever Weather Project

The Clever Weather Project from La Trobe’s Technology Innovation Lab in Bendigo is utilising the city’s new Internet of Things network, whereby weather sensors are being installed throughout the CBD, at local landmarks, as well as in the yards of interested residents and business-owners. Up to 100 individual sensors will be installed throughout Bendigo as part of this project.

Join the Community

Interested in being a part of the La Trobe Climate Network? We'd love to hear from you! Reach out to us at climate@latrobe.edu.au.

Meet our members and learn about our upcoming events below.

Climate Network members

Climate Network members

Our members come from a broad range of academic disciplines.

Climate Network events

Climate Network events

Attend an upcoming event or see a recording of a past event.