Satisfy undergraduate subject prerequisites

Prerequisites are minimum entry requirements for admission to a program.

They are intended to ensure that everyone entering a program has studied and achieved an appropriate level of knowledge in subject areas necessary to undertake the program successfully. Applicants who satisfy the prerequisite requirements are then eligible to be considered for a place on the basis of their selection rank and other published selection criteria.

Meeting minimum prerequisites does not guarantee an offer of a place. Entry into all La Trobe courses is based on competitive selection and there may be limited places available.

You can satisfy subject prerequisites for many undergraduate courses by undertaking the following studies or tests. For course specific prerequisite information refer to Find a course.

Complete Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) studies

Completing studies through VCE at a secondary school and achieving  the required study scores in each of the prerequisite studies for the degree.

You can find information on doing VCE studies through the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA).

Complete an adult VCE program

Programs include:

  • Adult Community Education (ACE)
  • Technical and Further Education (TAFE)
  • Centre for Adult Education (CAE)

See VCAA-Return to Study for further information.

Complete an equivalent interstate Year 12 or the International Baccalaureate (IB)

The completion of the following interstate Year 12 qualifications or the International Baccalaureate (IB) are considered comparable to completing the VCE for Year 12 entry.

Information regarding the interstate and International Baccalaureate (IB) study equivalents to Victorian prerequisite studies and scores is available from the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) website.

Undertake university or TAFE studies

If you have previously undertaken post-secondary studies at university or TAFE, you may find that some subjects you have already completed satisfy the prerequisites for your preferred undergraduate course.

Further details are provided via Find a course.

Complete a Unilearn course

The following VCE prerequisites can be satisfied by successfully completing specific courses offered through Unilearn and achieving the minimum overall grades below.

VCE Study

Unilearn Course and Minimum Requirements

VCE Biology Units 3&4

Successful completion of UniLearn Biology (which must include online lab activities) with an overall grade of at least 60% satisfies the University's Biology prerequisite.

VCE Chemistry Units 3&4

Successful completion of UniLearn Chemistry (which must include online lab activities) with an overall grade of at least 75% satisfies the University's Chemistry prerequisite.

VCE Mathematical Methods Units 3&4

Successful completion of UniLearn Senior Mathematics with an overall grade of at least 60% satisfies the University’s Mathematical Methods prerequisite.

Complete the Study for Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

At  La Trobe, STAT Multiple Choice test results may be utilised to satisfy minimum VCE prerequisites for entry into a number of our Undergraduate courses.

Further information about the test and eligibility requirements are available via our STAT webpage.