phi1qtm questions that matter




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject students will be introduced to topics in a range of the major philosophical areas, including epistemology (what can we know?), metaphysics (what is the nature of reality?), ethics, and political philosophy. We will examine some of the central questions that have captivated philosophers throughout millennia, as well as those that scientific advances and cultural changes have only recently brought to our attention. These might include: What is it to be a person, or a citizen? What makes your actions right or wrong? Could a machine think or be conscious? Is it morally acceptable to eat meat, or to design children genetically? Are we defined by our sexuality? What are the proper limits and functions of government or the state? Is there a rational basis for belief in the existence of God? Questions That Matter will focus on exploring the various answers to such questions, and the merits of arguments for views about them.

SchoolSchool of Humanities & Social Sciences

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorRob Wilson

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 1 - UG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules



Incompatible subjects This subject is incompatible with PHI1PPR, since it is replacing that course.

Equivalent subjects This subject replaces PHI1PPR

Special conditionsN/A

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsOnline readingsPrescribedVariousVarious

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

02. Identify and formulate a text-based and standard form argument.

Complete the reasoning exercises from the LMS subject resources.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

03. Identify a philosophical problem and raise critical questions about its assumptions, merits or weaknesses.

Choose a topic and introduce it for tutorial discussion by providing a clear and informative explanation of a main idea or claim, the problem to which it is addressed and the questions it raises.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

04. Identify the cultural context of production of a philosophical text.

In a small group identify one idea or claim in the set text that you believe reveals the author's western European perspective and compare your impression with those of the others in the group.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)

05. Locate and review an unfamiliar idea or line of argument in the light of your experience or previous knowledge.

Respond to an assigned piece of text or argument in the tutorial class or in online activities.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

06. Outline a philosophical claim and write a brief defence based on your critical assessment of a philosophical text.

Answer a specific essay question in writing using the critical thinking skills being developed in the course.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2019, Semester 1, Blended


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorRichard Heersmink

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 10 - 22
Two 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via blended.

TutorialWeek: 10 - 22
One 1.0 hours tutorial per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via blended.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Essay 1: 1000 words2503, 05, 06
Essay 2: 1000 words2503, 05, 06
Tutorial and online participation (regular attendance and completion of 3 online tasks) -1000 words2502, 03, 04
1 hour Final examination (2 or 3 short essays from set list of topics) (equivalent to 1000 words)2506