Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion training

A range of free, evidence-based training to support well-being and promote a respectful La Trobe Community is available to students, and delivered by Respectful Communities at La Trobe.

Click on the below links to view upcoming dates and sign up for a session to enhance your knowledge in the following areas.

Training TitleDescriptionAudienceDelivered byModeHow to register
Respectful Relationships & Bystander Intervention

A program that develops participants’ understanding respectful relationships, the connection between gender inequality and violence against women, how to identify harmful cultures and attitudes, and personal tools and strategies to become an active bystander when you witness disrespectful behaviour.

Student leadersRespectful CommunitiesIn-personRespectful Relationships & Bystander Intervention registration

This program aims to create a more diverse and inclusive LGBTIQA+ culture and greater visibility as well as awareness of the issues facing lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, intersex, queer, questioning, and asexual (LGBTIQA+) students and staff.

All studentsRespectful CommunitiesIn-personRegister via the ALLY webpage

Mental Health Basics

A workshop that provides students with the basics to be able to recognize common mental health symptoms in themselves and their peers, respond to these concerns effectively and know where to refer for further support. 2 hours for online delivery, 3 hours when in-person.

All students

Respectful Communities

Online and in-person Register for Mental Health Basics

Anxiety Uncovered

A 2.5-hour workshop that provides students with an understanding of what anxiety is, why we have it, and how it can present itself in our day-to-day lives. The workshop covers a collection of strategies to help ‘switch off’ the fight/flight/freeze response in our bodies, and different tools to be able to step back from our anxious or worry thoughts and be able to tolerate the experience of anxiety.

All students

Respectful Communities

Online and in-personRegister vis the Microsoft Forms link: Anxiety Uncovered

Managing as a Graduate Researcher

This 1-hour session run each semester is for students completing their Masters by Research, completing a PhD or a Doctorate. The session provides an overview of common struggles experienced by graduate researchers and provides some tips, tools, and strategies for maintaining wellbeing.

Graduate students

Respectful Communities

Online and in-person

Register via the Microsoft Forms link: Managing as a Graduate Researcher

Dating in Australia: Sexual and Reproductive Health for International Students


This eLearning module consists of a comprehensive online sexual health education course, accompanied by a series of informative YouTube videos discussing: dating; healthy relationships; consent; sexual health and STIs; and pregnancy, contraception and abortion.

International students

Sexual Health Victoria

Online Module

DIN-SHV - Dating in Australia: Sexual and Reproductive Health for International Students

Enhancing and Responding to Mental HealthA self-enrolled online learning module to: learn about common student mental health problems, learn information and strategies to support your own wellbeing, find where to get help if you need it.All studentsRespectful CommunitiesOnlineRPC8030 - Enhancing and Responding to Mental Health (For Students) (
Respectful Behaviour and Culture ModuleThis is a compulsory module for all students to complete from Semester 1 2024. This module is part of the University’s long-standing commitment to fostering a safe, respectful and inclusive community free of sexual harm, discrimination and violenceAll studentsRespectful CommunitiesOnline ModuleRespectful Behaviour and Culture Module
Managing your Mental Health and Wellbeing at Uni

This session is short (2 hours in February during O-Week, 1 hour throughout the year), and designed to give practical advice to students to manage the common experiences of university students. There is a focus on understanding the ways that La Trobe supports students, including free wellbeing services available for students.

All studentsRespectful CommunitiesOnlineRegister via the Microsoft Forms link: Managing your Mental Health at Uni

Respectful Communities

Respectful Communities, within the Health Wellbeing and Inclusion Division, lead La Trobe’s implementation of the Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Action Plan. We deliver a range of programs to the whole university to equip staff and students with skills and knowledge to drive socio-cultural change, creating campus cultures where everyone feels safe and supported.

If you have any questions about the training outlined, please contact us at