Pride Festival at La Trobe

Across our campuses, we come together each year to celebrate Pride Week and support all members of our LGBTIQA+ community.

Stay tuned for what's coming up for Pride Week in August 2024!

See what happened during Pride Week 2023.

Why we celebrate Pride

The LGBTIQ+ community consists of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, non-binary, intersex, queer, questioning, asexual, fluid, and many other words that can describe our complex experiences of sexuality and gender. This diversity also includes different ethnicities, cultures, abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, religious and spiritual beliefs, politics and personalities.

Our Pride celebrations are a visible reminder that the university acknowledges and supports its LGBTIQ+ students and staff, and that we belong here as valued members of the university and the community. Given the challenges LGBTIQ+ people often face, it is important that the university shows its support through making the whole campus safe for everyone to be who they are and want to be, whatever their sexuality or gender.

La Trobe at Midsumma Festival

We proudly take part in Midsumma Festival, Victoria's premier LGBTIQ+ cultural festival. Our University has a stall at Midsumma Carnival in the Alexandra Gardens, which is a high-energy event that attracts over 100,000 patrons. La Trobe staff and students also marched together at the Midsumma Pride March in St Kilda, where we were cheered on by a crowd of almost 40,000 spectators.

La Trobe joins Midsumma Pride March in solidarity with LGBTIQ students and staff.

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If you have any ideas for future Pride or Midsumma events or would like to be involved in any way, such as:

  • planning, marketing or design
  • having a stall at Pride
  • ways your area might do something on this day
  • using a Pride slide in your lecture
  • picking up a badge to wear on the day.
  • March in the Midsumma Pride March
  • Manning a stall at Midsumma Festival

Please email our Pride Team at

Resources from previous Pride weeks

Please note, some of these resources may contain content that could be upsetting to some viewers. Support is available through our Student Health and Wellbeing services.

Family Violence and the LGBTIA+ Community 2021

What is Family Violence? Do you know the signs? How do you help a friend who has an abusive partner? Do police need to be involved? Where can I go for help? How does all this relate to the LGBTIQA+ Community? View our talk with Safer Community from PRIDE week 2021.

Watch Video

Trans and Allies on Campus and Beyond 2021

This workshop from PRIDE week 2021 is hosted by Transgender Victoria, where we reviewed the basics of transgender people and issues, as well as discussed ally tips on campus.

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Bisexuality at the Intersection of Gender 2021

Every community has diverse needs, and while we have many things in common, the people living in the intersections of multiple marginalised groups may have very different life experiences from others. The multi-gender attracted community, comprising bi, pan, and other identities, has many common needs, but when you dig deeper you find that even this community is richly diverse. In this panel discussion, we talked about how the bi+ experience can be different for a range of intersectional groups, with a focus on gender identity.

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In March 2019, our Student Wellbeing and JOY Radio collaborated in the creation of a series of mini-podcasts about the experience of being an LGBTIQ+ student at La Trobe University. A group of students went on a tour of JOY Radio station and then sat down with Lisa, a 25-year-old cisgender lesbian and producer at JOY 94.9 in Melbourne. They shared their personal stories about being queer at La Trobe.

We have a lot to be proud of in the LGBTIQ+ space all year round.

View our LGBTIQA+ resource page to check out what we get up to.

View LGBTIQA+ resources

We have a dedicated LGBTIQA+ support program with our very own queer counsellors that is free and confidential for students.

Get support