Getting started with Zoom

Zoom is La Trobe University’s video conferencing platform, enabling students and staff to connect seamlessly for online classes, meetings, and collaboration. Zoom is accessible on desktop and mobile, it supports screen sharing, breakout rooms, and live captions to enhance learning and communication.

Download (Windows or Mac Desktop)

Steps to Download and Sign into Zoom

  1. Visit the zoom website
  2. Locate Zoom Desktop client and click download
  3. Open the file from the downloads folder
  4. Wait for this to install. Once this has installed it will open with the sign in page
  5. Select Sign In.
  6. Select the key with SSO under it
  7. Enter 'latrobe' as the domain name
  8. Sign into your La Trobe log in details
  9. This will open zoom logged into your student account

Zoom Video Transcript [PDF 79.9 KB]

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Open the Zoom application
  2. Select Join a Meeting
  3. Enter the Meeting ID  and  Passcode

Can I access Zoom on my Mobile?

Zoom is also available on iOS, Android or Linux and can be downloaded from the respective app stores.

  1. Download the Zoom app from the app store
  2. Once the application is open, Login with SSO and enter the Domain URL
  3. Sign into your La Trobe student account

What do I do if I can't access Zoom?

If you are experiencing difficulties, Student IT Support can assist with installing Zoom and logging in.

Support for Zoom meetings and how to use zoom is not available. Please refer to the Zoom Help Center.

What are the system requirements and which devices are compatible?

PlatformSystem and hardware requirements
WindowsWindows 11 and Windows 10
MacOS X 10.13 or later
Supported Browsers

Google Chrome (Version 131+)
Mozilla Firefox (Version 130+)
Safari (Version 15+)
Edge (Version 129+)