Complaint Process

Student Complaints Policy Statement

La Trobe University’s Complaints Office seeks to provide a student complaints mechanism that is:

  • accessible
  • timely
  • applies principles of procedural fairness
  • attempts to resolve complaints, as close to the source possible
  • maintains appropriate levels of confidentiality
  • free from victimisation and reprisal, and does not investigate complaints without substance.

Your complaint may be resolved by one of the following pathways:

  • informal local level discussion and resolution
  • School/Department/Business area investigation

The student complaints process may be used to raise concerns or submit complaints about:

  • service delivery/administration issues, including university facilities
  • matters of process related to the University experience
  • academic standards and educational quality issues
  • third parties while providing services on behalf of the University, such as contractors, education agents and third party providers, including those individuals and organisations supervising student placements and student accommodation.

The student complaints process does not include complaints about inappropriate conduct or behaviour by students, staff or third parties. For all conduct and behaviour concerns please contact Safer Community.

You can read the Student Complaints Management Policy for more information.

Informal Local Level Resolution

You are encouraged to attempt the resolution of matters in good faith at the local level, where it is reasonable and appropriate to do so.

A local-level resolution may involve discussing the matter directly with the person with whom you had the grievance. You may also choose to raise your concerns with any University support areas, or with a senior staff member from within the relevant area as part of a local level resolution.

School/Department/Business Area Investigations

If you are not comfortable engaging in local-level resolution, or if this has been unsuccessful, you may elect to proceed to a School/Department/Business area investigation with a formal complaint. Where appropriate, complaints lodged through the Complaints Office are referred to the relevant area or areas for investigation.

Complaints must be in writing, and should be lodged via the online complaints form. You can also submit a complaint by email to, post, however, the online complaints form is the best way to capture the necessary information to action the complaint.

You must raise your issues within 12 months of the issue or incident. The University may consider complaints submitted after this period where it determines that there are exceptional circumstances.

If you require assistance or advice in phrasing or writing your complaint, you can seek assistance from a relevant support service within the University.

Your complaint should include sufficient details about the circumstances of the issue, and your sought-after resolution/s. If insufficient details are provided, you may be contacted for further information before the complaint can be progressed.

We will contact you within ten working days, and will advise you about pathways to resolve your complaint, actions we will undertake and time frames in which it is expected these processes will occur.

Serious or Complex Complaints

In serious or complex circumstances, a complaint may be referred to another area of the University, such as Human Resources and/or Legal Services.

Anonymous Complaints

You can elect to remain anonymous when submitting a complaint. However, anonymity may restrict the University’s ability to assist, or limit the complaint outcomes available to you.

Your Right to Review Your Outcome

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can request a review of the matter by the University Ombudsman according to the provisions of the La Trobe University Ombudsman Statute 2009.

External Complaint Avenues

You can also choose to lodge a complaint with an external organisation such as the Australian Human Rights Commission, Victorian Privacy Commissioner, Victoria Police or Victorian Ombudsman. Some external agencies require that all relevant University complaints processes have been exhausted before they will consider the matter. If a complaint is accepted for investigation by an external organisation, the University will normally suspend any in-progress University investigation until the external investigation has been completed and all reports submitted.

Withdrawing a Formal Complaint

If you make a complaint, you have the right to withdraw your complaint at any stage of the process. The University retains the right to investigate and address matters raised in a complaint, even in cases where a complaint has been withdrawn.

Recording Complaints

Review of a Complaint Outcome

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can request a review of the matter by the University Ombudsman according to the provisions of the La Trobe University Ombudsman Statute 2009.

External Complaint Avenues

You may choose to lodge a complaint with an external organisation, such as:

Some external agencies require that all relevant University complaints processes have been exhausted before they will consider the matter.

If a complaint is accepted for investigation by an external organisation, the University will normally suspend any in-progress University investigation until the external investigation has been completed.

Safety and Support Services

If at any time you require additional support, please refer to the relevant support services below.


If you are in immediate danger, contact the police, fire or ambulance by calling 000. Then call University Security on 9479 2222.

Safer Community

If you have concerns or need support in relation to harassment, discrimination, violence or other forms of unacceptable behaviour you can contact La Trobe University’s Safer Community service during business hours.

Counselling Service

La Trobe University provides confidential short-term counselling for La Trobe University students at all of our campuses. Counselling sessions are offered face-to-face, by telephone or by Skype. Specialist counselling for LGBTIQA+ and Indigenous students is also provided.

Disability Services

If you are living with a disability or medical condition, you can seek support via AccessAbility and Inclusion.


You have access to advocacy services to assist you with your complaint. Advocacy services are provided by the La Trobe Student Union.