Placement Travel Bursary


From $660 up to $1320

Opening date

Closing date



Who is it for?

1st year undergraduates, 2nd year undergraduates, 3rd year undergraduates, 4th year undergraduates, 5th year undergraduates, Postgraduate coursework, Australian Citizen, Humanitarian Visa, International Student, New Zealand Citizen, Permanent Resident

Where is it available?

Online, Albury-Wodonga Campus, Bendigo Campus, Melbourne Campus, Mildura Campus, Shepparton Campus

How is it paid?

Single Payment


The Office of the Provost is offering support to help students undertaking placement with the costs involved in travelling long distances and finding suitable accommodation.

You are eligible for this grant if you are undertaking a university sourced placement in a location 120 kms or more (one way) from your semester/term address and for the duration of 10 days or more and have not received a placement related payment in 2025.

The program is open to all currently enrolled undergraduate and entry-level to practice courses students who meet the eligibility criteria below.

A single payment will be awarded dependant on the length of your placement (1 day is considered 8 hours)

If eligible, you will receive funding towards your travel and accommodation costs up to a maximum amount as set out below.

10-15 days = $660

16-20 days = $880

21+ days = $1320

Extra $300 for Rural Health students undertaking a regional or remote placement**

**La Trobe recognises the unique challenges faced by students living in remote and underserved communities and is committed to supporting rural health education. La Trobe is offering rural health students an extra $300 payment to attend placement in an MMM 3-7 region. 

Find out if your placement is eligible

Placement dates and bursary payments

The bursary application form is open all year but assessments will be conducted three times a year. To ensure timely payment, apply during the bursary round that your placement is due to begin.

Assessment periods:

11 May: For placements starting from 1 January to 30 April

7 September: For placements starting from 1 May to 31 August

30 November: For placements starting from 1 September to 31 December

Applications submitted after conclusion of assessment period may experience payment delays.  

Are you eligible to apply?

To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, applicants must:

  • Be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or entry-level to practice course at a La Trobe University Campus. Note: partner institution enrolled students are not eligible for this payment.
  • Be enrolled in a placement subject and commencing an internship/work placement during one of the above assessment periods. PLEASE NOTE: The placement needs to have commenced during one of the three assessment periods but it does not have to be completed in that period.
  • Undertaking a placement in a location 120 kms (one way) or more from your semester/term address. Ensure that your semester/term address is current in StudentOnline and InPlace. See our tips on how to update your address
  • Undertaking a single placement greater than 10 days duration and lodged in InPlace at the time of applying. Length of placement is based on subject requirements and does not include make up days. (1 day is considered 8 hours)
  • Have not received any other placement related funding support from the University in the 2025 academic year.

Recipients of the scholarship shall be selected by the University based on their:

  • Application addressing the eligibility criteria
  • Confirmed placement MUST be entered into InPlace at time of application submission

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria above and are experiencing significant financial and educational disadvantage you could be eligible for the Industry Placement Bursary.

The Industry Placement Bursary is open to domestic undergraduate students undertaking a placement of 70 hours or more in duration. Note: students can only receive one placement related payment in a calendar year.

How to apply

Complete the online application form.

Who to contact for further information

Scholarships Office,