Industry Placement Application Form

Student details
(this must be your La Trobe student email address, e.g.
Student Type? *
Are you an international student? *
We encourage students to disclose their LAP as part of their application, particularly where it may impact on their ability to fully participate on placement. The reason for this is to allow time for you to consider the value of disclosure to supporting your learning on placement. It may be particularly important to disclose your disability to your supervisor so that they can best support any necessary accommodations in the workplace either immediately or potentially in the future depending on the nature of your disability. If you are not sure about doing so, please take the time to speak with your Accessibility Advisor or Subject Coordinator.
Are you looking to enrol in? *
Have you checked your study plan and/or discussed with ASK La Trobe/Course Coordinator if you have the space/flexibility to undertake this elective subject (LTU3IND)?
Indicate the semester for which you are applying to complete LTU3IND and undertake the related industry placement
Have you checked your study plan and/or discussed with ASK La Trobe/Course Coordinator if you have the space/flexibility to undertake this elective subject (LTU5IND)?
Indicate the semester for which you are applying to complete LTU5IND and undertake the related industry placement
How many hours are you completing as part of the Industry Placement Minor?
Indicate the term for which you are applying to complete the Industry Minor placement
Estimated Start Date:
Estimated End Date:
Max 8mb file size
Which university sourced placement are your applying for? Students can only apply for MAX 3 University Sourced opportunities.
(Placement title and name of organisation)
(Pdf file type only. Max 8mb file size)
(Placement title and name of organisation)
(Pdf file type only. Max 8mb file size)
(Placement title and name of organisation)
(Pdf file type only. Max 8mb file size)
(Pdf file type only. Max 8mb file size)


I understand that my placement may be cancelled or postponed due to unforeseen circumstances eg COVID-19. This may affect my study plan and/or progression in my course. I understand that the university is not required to find me an alternative placement.


All information provided by applicants will be treated as confidential. At La Trobe University, we respect the privacy of your personal information. We collect personal information in your application to determine your eligibility for a scholarship, bursary or grant, and to assess your application as part of the ranking and allocation process. In accordance with privacy laws, personal information about you contained in your application will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed to any person who is not part of the La Trobe assessment and allocation process, without your permission. You may have the right to access personal information we hold about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant laws, by contacting the Scholarships Office. The La Trobe University privacy policy can be viewed at:


I agree to the Declaration and Privacy above. *
