Academic expectations

Learning styles and teaching expectations can vary from culture to culture. Understanding the expectations at La Trobe while also developing or improving your learning skills will lead you towards successful studies. Establishing a study-work-life balance and knowing where to ask for help is also very important.

Academic expectations

In Australia, universities expect you to learn in a certain way, and adjusting to this style can be challenging for some students.

You may find that assessments are different here; for example, you could be expected to do a number of written assignments, as opposed to oral exams. Your lecturers will expect you to ask questions and make judgements using your research as evidence.

To help you prepare for study at La Trobe, visit the Study Support and Resources webpage. Also, the library has a variety of services to support our international students.


‘One form of academic cheating is plagiarism, the reproducing of someone else’s words, ideas or findings and presenting them as one’s own without proper acknowledgment’ (Academic Integrity Policy). Someone else’s ideas and findings, either their exact words or a paraphrase, could be in books, journal articles, newspapers, the internet, television, radio or in fact any spoken or written text.

To find a full description and more explanation go to the Academic Integrity site.

Academic integrity is extremely important in the academic culture of Australia, which is why Australian universities consider plagiarism to be a serious problem. You will be expected to be honest in your work and to learn the conventions of academic referencing. Students are expected to be independent learners, to read widely, and to explicitly write about and refer to what they have read. When you refer to what you have been reading you are showing your lecturers you have read, understood and brought together relevant research. You are expected to use and acknowledge the research of others to support  your own opinions in your academic work.

Subject, course, program

The terms "subject, course, program" are used differently around the world and can cause confusion. In Australia, "course" is the word we use to describe a degree course. It can be substituted for the word "program", and these two terms are often used interchangeably. "Subject" or "Unit" is the word we use to describe the study modules within a course - typically an undergraduate business course comprises 24 subjects over 3 years.


Lectures usually present information and concepts that are central to the course. Material presented in lectures is often important to assignments and exams. To increase your understanding of the material it is important to first prepare for lectures by doing the weekly reading and clarifying important topics and terminology. During lectures, make sure to take good notes, and then within 24 hours after the lecture,  review your notes and the lecture material, and do supplementary reading. The aim is to really understand the material covered – not just memorise it.

Tutorials and seminars

Tutorials and seminars are like discussion groups led by an academic teacher, speaker, or a student who has researched a particular topic. The style can vary greatly between a structured format with learning aims being clear from the outset, or they can be more free flowing, giving students the opportunity to explore ideas. Tutorials and seminars are meant to be interactive and are a great opportunity to ask questions when you don't understand lecture material and assignments.

Contact hours

In engineering, science and technology, and health sciences units, class contact hours per week for lectures, tutorials and practical/ laboratory classes are quite high (usually 24 - 30 contact hours per week).

In arts, business and social sciences units, there are fewer formal classes (usually 12-15 contact hours per week) but you are required to spend more time on individual reading and research.


Assessment varies from unit to unit and can include, minor and major assignments (including case studies and group assignments), class presentations and examinations. Specific information regarding individual unit assessment is available in the University Handbook.

Grading scheme

  • A: 80 - 100%
  • B: 70 - 79%
  • C: 60 - 69%
  • D: 50 - 59%
  • N: Fail

For more information on grading schema, please visit the Grades and Results page.