Welcome new international students
Follow these steps for a smooth transition to on-campus study.
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Transition @ LaTrobe Facebook Group
Get connected with current students (eFriends) for support to transition to Australia.
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Transition to La Trobe and Australia
Learn valuable information on what you need to do once you've arrived onshore.
Find out more
Find out about tips for success, how to make friends, support services, and much more.
Orientation info
Public Transport
Getting to La Trobe, using a Myki card and a concession card.
Find out more
Support services
We offer a number of different services to support our international students.
View services
Programs and activities
We run many programs and activities to help you enjoy your time at La Trobe.
Explore programs
Maps & Locations
View detailed information about where our campuses are and how to get here.
View maps
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Student profile
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