La Trobe News digital screens

About La Trobe News digital screens

La Trobe News digital screens display the latest updates from La Trobe University across our Melbourne Campus and City Campus. A ticker tape, videos and graphics are updated frequently to provide service information, the latest news from the University and reputational material.

All screens are centrally managed by the University's Internal Communications team within the Marketing and Recruitment division. You can find the screen locations and information on how to have your information shared on the screens below.

Screen locations

There are four video walls and 18 digital screens on the Melbourne Campus and City Campus at the following locations.

Melbourne Campus (Click here for a map)

Video walls

  • ASK La Trobe Service Area, Borchadt Library (3x3 video wall)
  • Agora Big Screen, The Agora (3x3 video wall)
  • Donald Whitehead Building foyer (Level 1, 2x2 video wall)

Digital screens

  • La Trobe Institute of Molecular Science (Level 1, 2 screens), (Level 2, 1 screen), (Level 4, 1 screen) and (Level 5, 1 screen)
  • Sylvia Walton Building (Level 1, 1 screen), (Level 2, 1 screen), (Level 3, 1 screen) (Level 4, 1 screen) (Level 5, 1 screen)
  • The Learning Commons (Level 1, 1 screen), (Level 2, 2 screens)
  • Career Ready Drop-in (Agora Level 2, 2 screens)
  • The Union Building (Union Hall, 1 screen)
  • Future Students Centre (David Myers Centre, Level 1, 1 screen)
  • Living at La Trobe (Menzies College, 1 screen)
  • Office of the Vice-Chancellor (David Myers Central, 1 screen)

Screens to be installed in January 2018

  • Research Office, David Myers East (TBC Jan 2018)

City Campus

  • Level 1 (1 screen)
  • Level 2 foyer (2x2 video wall)

Getting your content on screen

If you have existing artwork, please submit your digital screen content request using the online form.

Creating content for the screens

If you do not have existing artwork, you can create digital screen content in the following ways;

  • Using our PowerPoint template
  • Asking creative services to create a slide on your behalf
  • Providing the screen specifications to your graphic designer

Create a slide/s using our template

To create your own slide/s use our Powerpoint template [PPT 70.7 KB]

1. Add a heading, very short body text, a url and an image to the PowerPoint (Use a high resolution image and keep the text short)

2. Send your completed slide/s to

Digital screen content specifications for graphic designers

If a graphic designer is creating your content - please provide them with the following guidance;

  • all screens are landscape
  • the screen resolution is 1920x1080
  • all images must be high resolution
  • all text must be short.

For further information refer to the following documents

or email

Have content produced by creative services

If you are a La Trobe staff member and you want to create a digital screen slide for a La Trobe event/campaign/service - you can submit a digital marketing request to Creative Services.

Video submissions

If you want a video played on the La Trobe News digital screens on campus - please follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have permission to use this video
  2. Ensure your video file is .mp4 and 720p or 1080p quality
  3. Caption your video (this is a legal requirement for accessibility). There is a captioning service available within the University - for more information and captioning services please email
  4. Forward a link to your captioned .mp4 video file and your .srt caption file.

Content Policy, Submission Guidelines and FAQs


For more information about the La Trobe News digital screens and other digital screens or to discuss content submissions please contact:

Colum Coomey – Media & Communications

T: 03 9479 6848

Getting a screen in your area

If you would like a screen installed in your area, please contact the Internal Communications team for further information