Partner programs

This information is for students enrolled in programs at partner institutions who have entered any Stage of the formal academic progression process.

If you have received an email from La Trobe University informing you that you have entered or reached any stage of the formal academic progression process, your partner institution can support you to navigate the process.

Your partnership institution will help by:

  • advising you on the formal academic progression process
  • directing you to the appropriate supporting teams
  • supporting you by directing you to complete the Academic Progression LMS Module (if required)
  • providing guidance on how to complete a Show Cause Submission form (if required)
  • Supporting additional appeals processes

Partner programs located within Australia

View contact information for your institution.

Contact the Student Support and Engagement team at Chisholm Institute. Available services are listed on their website.

Visit the Academic Support and Student Services websites to access services available to you.

Contact the Student Life at Mebourne Polytechnic (SLAM) team at Melbourne Polytechnic. Available services are listed on their website.

Offshore partner programs

View contact information for your course and institution.

CourseContact nameContact email
TB002IB - Bachelor of Computer ScienceYenny

CourseContact nameContact email
LDBH - Diploma in BusinessNgan
LBBH - Bachelor of Business

CourseContact nameContact email
HGHSMG - Grad. Dip Health Services ManagementGeorge
HM004CD - Master of Health Administration

CourseContact nameContact email
BD002SL - Diploma of BusinessDr Ruwan
TD001SL - Diploma of Engineering
TD002SL - Diploma of IT

CourseContact nameContact email
BB002NE - Bachelor of BusinessLi Van

CourseContact nameContact email
HBNMU - Bachelor of NursingGulzar

Visit the PSB Academy Student Care website for information about support available to you. You may also refer to supports in the table below:

CourseContact nameContact email
SBMSSI - Bachelor of Biomedical ScienceScience / Bio Med / Nursing
Kate Chen
SBSCSI - Bachelor of Science (3 double majors)
SMBBSI - Masters of  Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
HB001SP - Bachelor of Nursing (Top-up)
BB002SP - Bachelor of BusinessBusiness
Dr Swami Nyayapati

Visit the Singapore Institute of Management Student Care or Learning Support websites for information about support available to you. You may also refer to supports in the below table:

CourseContact nameContact email
LBBEMSI - Bachelor of Business (Event Management)Dr Eunice
LBBTHSI - Bachelor of Business (Tourism & Hospitality)
BB001SS - Bachelor of Business Event Management &/or Tourism & Hospitality)

More information about the formal academic progression process

Stage 1 - Recovery

Stage 1 - Recovery

This Stage is the Recovery Stage of the formal academic progression process.

Learn about your Stage 1 steps

Stage 2 - Support and Sanction

Stage 2 - Support and Sanction

This Stage is the Support and Sanction Stage of the formal academic progression process.

Learn about your Stage 2 steps

Stage 3 - Show Cause and Exclusion

Stage 3 - Show Cause and Exclusion

This Stage is the Show Cause and Exclusion Stage of the formal academic progression process.

Learn about your Stage 3 steps

Your academic progress

Your academic progress

Academic progression is the way you and La Trobe work together to ensure you manage your studies and are able to successfully complete your course.

Find out more

Support available to you

If you're facing challenges, visit our table of all services that can help you.