Request for Re-mark

This form is to be used where you believe you have grounds for requesting a formal review of a result on an assessment task after an informal review has occurred with the Original Marker (see Part B of the Assessment Procedure - Validation and Moderation).

Student details
(this must be your La Trobe student email address, e.g.
Assessment task details
*(e.g. If your Subject Coordinator was the Original Marker please enter the email address of the Head of your Department, Discipline Lead or the Director, Learning and Teaching.
I met/had discussions with the Original Marker on the following date: *
I confirm that I wish to apply for a re-mark on the basis that *
The following documents are attached to my application:
(.doc, .docx, .pdf file types only. Max 8MB file size)
(.doc, .docx, .pdf file types only. Max 8MB file size)
(.doc, .docx, .pdf file types only. Max 8MB file size)
In submitting this *
  • the above details are true and correct
  • an application for a re-mark will only be accepted where appropriate grounds exist according to the Procedure
  • the mark given as an outcome of a formal review replaces the original mark and can be higher, lower or the same as the original mark.

All information provided by applicants will be treated as confidential. At La Trobe University, we respect the privacy of your personal information. We collect personal information in your application to determine your eligibility for a scholarship, bursary or grant, and to assess your application as part of the ranking and allocation process. In accordance with privacy laws, personal information about you contained in your application will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed to any person who is not part of the La Trobe assessment and allocation process, without your permission. You may have the right to access personal information we hold about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant laws, by contacting the Scholarships Office. The La Trobe University privacy policy can be viewed at:

