Our mentoring program can help researchers achieve their potential across a range of issues such as grant application development, long term planning, skill development, team management, and research collaboration.
Our framework for research planning is designed to focus your research activities and ambitions and to help plan for your medium-term research needs. Current staff can find more details on our intranet [staff login required].
Research Infrastructure
We help enable and accelerate the conduct of your research through the provision of infrastructure, services and expertise, which support our researchers, industry partners and broader research community. Learn about La Trobe’s extensive research capabilities.
Library research support
The Library provides expert help and training across all aspects of the research lifecycle. They support researchers by increasing research impact and reach, managing research data and harvesting and storing research publication data and outputs.
Tracey Banivanua Mar Fellowships: For future research leaders with major caring responsibilities
We are committed to gender equity through sustained, enduring and measurable actions. We recognise that caring responsibilities can severely interrupt, delay or otherwise constrain academic careers, and that it is women who primarily face these barriers.
The Tracey Banivanua Mar Fellowships are named in honour of a much-esteemed member of the Department of Archaeology and History who sadly passed away in 2017, cutting short a stellar academic career.
The fellowships support potential future research leaders who have major caring responsibilities by helping them maintain their career momentum to fulfil their research potential.
The three-year, part-time positions enable eligible researchers to develop or re-establish their careers where they have been interrupted or delayed by child bearing, child rearing or other caring duties.
By providing funding at a critical time in the careers of high potential academic staff, the Fellowship aims to reduce the impact of career breaks and/or intense caring responsibilities on research productivity.
We recognise that targeted support at key stages of a woman’s research career is essential to ensuring we improve the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in all disciplines. We recognise that caring responsibilities can severely interrupt, delay or otherwise constrain academic careers.
To address some of these issues, the fund supports researchers who are primary carers with the cost of childcare or other care cost while presenting at a national or international conference or undertaking research interstate or abroad.
The fund can be used to support the cost of arranging alternative care while the staff member is carrying out these research activities. For example, applicants may require additional childcare in Australia to allow them to travel, or may use the money to provide childcare at the conference venue, including providing funds for an alternate carer to travel with the staff member, and/or the cost of the child’s travel if there is a need for the child to travel with the staff member.
Staff can apply for internal grants from Schools and central university sources to support research activity such as conference travel, research assistance and project seed funding.
Hear from our staff
The Tracey Banivanua Mar Fellowship has gifted me with the time, support, and space to throw myself into what I am most passionate about – building strong and resilient communities through creative practice inside and outside of the university.
Dr Quinn Eades Tracey Banivanua Mar Fellow, Gender, Sexuality and Diversity studies