Institute Newsletter December 2022
Institute Newsletter August 2022
Institute Newsletter November 2021
Institute Newsletter September 2021
Institute Newsletter April 2021
Institute Newsletter December 2020
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Institute Newsletter June 2020
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Institute Newsletter March 2018
Institute Newsletter December 2017
Institute Newsletter October-November 2017
Institute Newsletter September 2017
Institute Newsletter August 2017
Institute Newsletter July 2017
Institute Newsletter June 2017
Institute Newsletter April 2017
2025 Publications
Denney, L., Bond, G., Craney, A. and Illingworth, A. (February 2025). The political economy of accountability ecosystems. Charting a new course in the Pacific. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
2024 Publications
Glenn Bond (2024). Responsive Governance in the Pacific. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Centre for Human Security and Social Change (June 2024). Submission to the Inquiry into Australia's response to the priorities of Pacific Island Countries and the Pacific Region.
Aidan Craney and Bernadett Besebes (2024) Accountability ecosystems political economy analysis - Palau country study. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Aidan Craney and Ali Tuhanuku (2024). Accountability Ecosystems Political Economy Analysis - Solomon Islands Case Study. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Aidan Craney and Tearinaki Tanielu (2024). Accountability ecosystems political economy analysis Kiribati country study. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Aidan Craney and Yeshe Smith (July 11, 2024). Aidan Craney and Yeshe Smith x Racism, Colonialism and Whiteness in Development. The Readout Podcast by Development Intelligence Lab.
Lisa Denney and Elisabeth Jackson (2024). Locally Led Development: The What, Why and How. Research Development Impact Network Briefing Paper.
Lisa Denney (22 February 2024). Lisa Denney x Diverse Pathways to People Centred Justice. The Readout Podcast by Development Intelligence Lab.
Allan Mua Illingworth and Mahoney M Mori (October 2024). Accountability ecosystems political economy analysis: Federated States of Micronesia country study. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Elisabeth Jackson (2024, 13 May) . Disability and Slavery in Asia. Podcast on Asia Rising, La Trobe University.
Elisabeth Jackson (17 April 2024). Invisible victims: How counter-trafficking efforts leave people with disability behind. The Interpreter, The Lowy Institute.
Elisabeth Jackson, Abner Manlapaz, Cucu Saidah and Alisa Sivathorn (2024). Exploring the intersection between disability and trafficking in persons in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. ASEAN-Australia Counter Trafficking and La Trobe University.
Mercy Masta and Elisabeth Jackson (30 July 2024). Gender equality, the Pacific Way. The Interpreter, The Lowy Institute.
Gregoire Nimbtik and Allan Mua Illingworth (2024). Accountability Ecosystems Political Economy Analysis - Vanuatu Case Study. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Tala Simeti and Allan Mua Illingworth (2024). Accountability Ecosystems Political Economy Analysis - Tuvalu Case Study. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Yeshe Smith, Aidan Craney & Chris Roche (25 May 2024): Racism, colonialism and whiteness in development: insights from Pacific professionals following repatriation of white staff during Covid-19, Third World Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2024.2356608
Louise Stanley (2024) Aboriginal-led development – the case of the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust, Development in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2023.2294684
Joni Yulianto, Adi Suryadini and Elisabeth Jackson (2024). Case Study No. 3: Securing Legal Recognition of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia. Navigating Successful Policy Reform Series. The Asia Foundation.
2023 Publications
Campbell, D. & Gyles, A. (2023). Central Land Council Community Development Program and the Matched Funds Initiative – Independent Monitoring Report July 2020 – December 2022.
Cummings, C. and Oremo, Francis (2023). Navigating Successful Policy Reform: Reducing Plastic Waste in Kenya. Case Study No. 1. La Trobe University and The Asia Foundation.
Denney, L et al. Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice and SDG16+ (2023), Diverse pathways to people-centred justice: Report of the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice and SDG16.3, Rome: IDLO
Denney, L., Nimbtik, G. and Ford, S (2023). UNDP Accountability Ecosystem Analysis: Literature Review. Centre for Human Security and Social Change.
Fukofuka, P., Scobie, M. and Finau, G. (2023). Indigenous practices of accounting on the ground: a Bourdieusian perspective. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 36 No. 1, pp. 96-119.
Grant, Melita Louise; Nguyen, Therese Tam; Vieira, Ajerino; Niner, Sara Louise; Roche, Christopher (2023): Working together: A study of civil society partnerships between WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) and GESI (gender equality and social inclusion) organisations in Timor-Leste. La Trobe. Journal contribution.
Illingworth, A. and Faerua, E. (May 2023). Navigating Successful Policy Reform: Securing Reserved Seats for Women in Vanuatu's Municipal Councils. Case Study No. 2. La Trobe University and The Asia Foundation.
Jackson, E., Liu, E., Salim, I., Saidah, C., Yulianto, J., Ramadhan, N.S., Yuningsih, Y. Robandi, Sahetapy, S., Sendjaya, S. and Wilson, E. (2023, May). Finding Self, Leading Others: Leadership Journeys of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia. Full report. Developmental Leadership Program.
Jackson, E., Liu, E., Salim, I., Saidah, C., Yulianto, J., Ramadhan, N.S., Yuningsih, Y. Robandi, Sahetapy, S., Sendjaya, S. and Wilson, E. (2023, May). Executive Summary. Finding Self, Leading Others: Leadership Journeys of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia. Developmental Leadership Program.
Jackson, E., Liu, E., Salim, I., Saidah, C., Yulianto, J., Ramadhan, N.S., Yuningsih, Y. Robandi, Sahetapy, S., Sendjaya, S. and Wilson, E. (2023, May). Finding Self, Leading Others: Leadership Journeys of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia version. Developmental Leadership Program.
Jackson, E., Cordeiro, M., Adams, C., Roche, A., & Denney. L. (2023) Overcoming barriers to research use in international development organisations: learning from an action research project, Development in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2023.2206593.
Larson, S., Jarvis, D., Stoeckl, N., Barrowei, R., Coleman, B., Groves, D., Hunter, J., Lee, M., Markham, M, Larson, A., Finau, G., Douglas, M. (15 Jan 2023) Piecemeal Stewardship activities miss numerous social and environmental benefits associated with culturally appropriate ways of caring for country. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 326, Part B.
Masta, M., Garap, S., Ford, Serena., Jackson, E. and Gyles, G. (2023). Approaches to engaging men in support of women's leadership in the Pacific. Women Leading and Influencing.
Morrison, L.J., Alshamari, A. and Finau, G. (2023). Interrogating the environmental accountability of foreign oil and gas companies in Basra, Iraq: a stakeholder theory perspective. Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Sutton, K., Philips, S., Harrington, K., Flint, J., Jackson, E., Roche, C., Singip, S. (2023) Risk Communication and Community Engagement in the Australian Humanitarian Partnership's COVID-19 Response in Papua New Guinea. Evaluation and Learning Report.
Titifanue, J. and Kant, R (2023). Information and communication technologies as a catalyst for social activism and "bottom-up" regionalism in the Pacific. Chapter in Handbook of Civil Society and Social Movements in Small States. Routledge, ISBN 9781003341536
Wild, K., Langford, K., de Araujo, Guilhermina (2023). Gender-based violence and healthcare in Timor-Leste. Melbourne. La Trobe eBureau.
Winterford, K., Rhodes, D., Dureau, Christopher (2023). Reframing Aid. A Strengths-based approach for International Development. Practical Action Publishing.
2022 Publications
Allen-Leap, M., Hooker, L., Wild, K., Wilson, I.M., Pokharel, B., & Taft, A (2022) Seeking help from Primary Health-Care Providers in High-Income Countries: A Scoping Review of the Experiences of Migrant and Refugee Survivors of Domestic Violence. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, [online 13 December 2022].
Calabro, DG., Kant, R., Maharaj, S., Kaur J (2022). Behind the Mask: Intersectional (In)visibility of Indo-Fijian Queer Experiences. Advances in Gender Research. 33:33-50. Emerald Publishing Limited. 10.1108/S1529-212620220000033010
Campbell, D. & Illingworth, A (2022) Central Land Council Community Development Program Monitoring Report July 2020 - June 2021. Central Land Council.
Campbell, D., Stanley, L. and Denney, L. (2022) Aboriginal Governance and Management Program Independent Evaluation for the Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory.
Cox, J., Maltzhan, K., Maclean, S., Lee, H., Whiteside, M. (2022) Bingo, gender and the moral order of the household: Everyday gambling in a migrant community. Volume 22, Issue 4.
Craney, A. (2022, 28 April). Beyond a Geopolitical pawn: Understanding Domestic Challenges in Solomon Islands. Australian Institute of International Affairs.
Craney, A. (2022, 10 October). A critical reflection on education as a path to prosperity in the Pacific. Developmental Leadership Network Website.
Craney, A (2022) Youth in Fiji and Solomon Islands: Livelihoods, Leadership and Civic Engagement. ANU Press Pacific Series.
Craney, A., Denney, L., Hudson, D. and Krishna, U. (2022). Adaptive programming, politics and learning in development, Chapter 57 in K. Sims, N. Banks, S. Engel, P. Hodge, J. Makuwira, N. Nakamura, J. Rigg, A. Salamanca, and P. Yeophantong (eds) Routledge Handbook of Global Development. London: Routledge
Craney, A., Jackson, E., Tierney-Lemisio, A., Utumapu, F., Robinson Moors, C., Time, I., Meredith, D. (2022). Inclusive technical and vocational education and training in Samoa: Lessons learned from a partnership between the Australia Pacific Training Coalition and Nuanua O Le Alofa. Australia Pacific Training Coalition, Samoa.
Denney, L. (2022, 13 April). Localisation: an opportunity for thinking and working politically to deliver? From Poverty to Power Blog.
Finau, G., & Chand, S. (2022). Resistance is fertile: A Bourdieusian analysis of accounting and land reform in Fiji. Critical Perspectives on Accounting.10.1016/
Finau, G., & Scobie, M. (2022). Old ways and new means: Indigenous accountings during and beyond the pandemic. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 35(1):74-84. 10.1108/AAAJ-08-2020-4753
CHSSC. (30 November 2022). Submission from Centre for Human Security and Social Change to inform the Australian Government's new International Development Policy. CHSSC submission.
Jackson, E., Craney, A., Motusaga, M. and Gibson, D. (November 2022) Supporting Women's Leadership during COVID-19: Women Leading and Influencing in the Pacific. Developmental Leadership Program.
Jackson, E., Craney, A., Motusaga, M. and Gibson, D. (November 2022) Supporting Women's Leadership during COVID-19: Women Leading and Influencing in the Pacific - Executive Summary. Developmental Leadership Program.
Jackson, E., Ramadhan N.S. (2022, May 10). ‘I had to learn to advocate for myself’: In conversation with Indonesian disability activist Nur Syarif Ramadhan” Developmental Leadership Program [blog]
Kedia, M., Sekhani, R., Varma, G., Krishna, U., Kumar Shahi, R. (May 2020) A Review of the Domain Name Market in India. ICRIER.
Khorshed, M., Lindsay, D., McAuliffe, M., West, C., Wild, K. (2022) Factors Affecting Quality of Care in Maternal and Child Health in Timor Leste: A Scoping Review. Health Services Insights Volume 15: 1 - 12.
Krishna, U. (May 2021) Bolstering Internationalised Domain Name Uptake in India. ICRIER Policy Paper.
Maltzahn, K., Cox, J., MacLean, S., Whiteside, M., & Lee, H. (2022) Evolving Understandings of Bingo in Four Decades of Literature: From Eyes Down to New Vistas. Critical Gambling Studies, 3(1), 110-120.
Maltzahn, K., Whiteside, M., Lee, H., Cox, J., & MacLean, S. (2021) Increasing harms for bingo players: digitisation, commercialisation and regulatory inadequacy: a multi-site case study. BMC Public Health. 2021:21:664
McLoughlin, C., Hiriasia, T., Hudson, D., Krishna, U., Nanau, G., Rhodes, A., and Roche, C. (June 2022) Inclusive Development in Solomon Islands: Unlocking the Potential of Developmental Leadership. Developmental Leadership Program.
Pruce, K. Wilson-Cleary, I. Roche, C and Illingworth, A. Contactless aid in Tonga: Re-thinking disaster response in the Pacific Islands. DLP Website.
Rhodes, D. (2022). Facilitating change across cultures. Practical Action Publishing. UK.
Varea, R., Kant, R., Farrelly, T. (2022) Qi no tu I babani qwali(living down by the river): Impacts of flooding and mining on ecosystems and livelihoods. Frontiers in Marine Science 9. 10.3389/fmars.2022.954062
Wild, K., Young, F., de Araujo, Guilhermina., Fernandes, A., Gomes, L., Kelly, L. and Taft, A. (March 2020). Health Care Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste: Women Want Empathy, Information and Safety from an Integrated System. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Winterford, K., Rhodes, D., Dureau, Christopher (2023). A Strengths-based Approach for International Develpment. Reframing Aid. Practical Action Publishing.
2021 Publications
Allen, J., Wild. K. (2021). Centralising Maternity Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Worthy Goal? Transforming Maternity Care Collaborative (Blog, 18 October)
Alver, J., Krishna, U. (2021, 30 November).International Volunteer Day 2021: a scan of development and diplomatic perspectives. ACFID Blog.
Aston, T., Roche, C., Schaaf, M., and Cant, S. (2021) Monitoring and Evaluation for Thinking and Working Politically. Evaluation. 2021;
Bainton, N., McDougall, D., Kalissa, A., and Cox, J. (eds.). (2021). Unequal Lives: Gender, Race and Class in the Western Pacific. Canberra: ANU Press.
Campbell, D., Napaljarri, M.R. & Kelly, L. (2021). ‘Australia’s Indigenous Evaluation Strategy: Making good on the promise of centering Indigenous experience’. Australian Evaluation Association, opinion piece.
Campbell, D. & Gyles, A. (2021). Central Land Council Community Development Program - Monitoring Report July 2019 - June 2020. Central Land Council.
Cox, J. (2021). Inequalities of Aspiration: Class, Cargo and the Moral Economy of Development in Papua New Guinea. In Bainton et al. (eds.) Unequal Lives: Gender, Rce and Class in the Western Pacific. Canberra: ANU Press, 237–266.
Cox, J. (2021). I first Met Martha Macintyre Twice: Or How I Became an Anthropologist. In Bainton et al. (eds.) Unequal Lives: Gender, Race and Class in the Western Pacific. Canberra: ANU Press, 527–529.
Cox, J. (2021). Maltzahn, K., Lee, H., Whiteside, M., & Maclean, S. (2021). Bingo, Gender and the Moral Order of the Household: Everyday Gambling in a Migrant Community. Journal of Consumer Culture, early online view.
Craney, A. (2021). Fault lines for unrest in the Pacific: Youth, livelihoods and land rights in driving and mitigating conflict. Asia Pacific Viewpoint.
Craney, A. (2021). Seeking a panacea: Attempts to address the failings of Fiji and Solomon Islands formal education in preparing young people for livelihood opportunities. The Contemporary Pacific 33(2): 338-362.
Craney, A., Mel, A., and Tyson, G. (2021). RDI Conference Paper Presentation: Challenges and opportunities for Pacific women’s participation in TVET. Thursday, 1 July.
Denney, L., Jackson, E., Yeophantong, P., and Adams, C. (2021) Inclusion in Decision Making around Transboundary Water Governance in the Mekong Sub-region. Centre for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University.
Denney, L., and Roche, C. (2021). ‘COVID-19: An opportunity to localise and reimagine development in the Pacific?,’ In Varughese, G et. al. Reimagining Development: Interdisciplinary perspectives on doing development in an era of uncertainty, UNSW Institute for Global Development.
Fernandes, A., Suprianto, S., and Wild, K. (2021). A qualitative study of physical and verbal abuse experienced by women during labor and childbirth in Dili Municipality, Timor-Leste. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Public Health. Surakarta, Indonesia: Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Finau, G., Titifanue, J., Kant, R., Vunibola, S., Presterudstuen, G. H., & Horst, H. (2021). Compassion and Virtue: social media-enabled bartering in Fiji during COVID-19. Issues. vol. 4.
Flint, J., Osborne, J.J., Roche, C., and Tarpey, F. (2021, May). Local leadership, Covid-19 and the Pacific. Humanitarian Practice Network.
Jackson, E. (with A. Hemming). (2021). 2020 Australia Pacific Training Coalition Environmental Scan. Asia Pacific Training Coalition.
Kant, R., Jorari, L. & Cain, T.N. (2021). Covid-19 Awareness, Online Discourse, and Vaccine Distribution in Melanesia. The Asia Foundation, San Francisco, USA.
Kathuria, R., and Krishna, U. (2021). The crisis of jobless growth in India, Chapter 2 in N.V. Varghese and M. Khare (eds) India Higher Education Report 2020: Employment and Employability of Higher Education Graduates in India. New Delhi: Routledge, 25-36.
Kelly, L. (2021) Northern Land Council Community Planning and Development Program July 2020 to June 2021 Monitoring Report. Northern Land Council.
Kelly, L., Whiteside, M., Barich, H., and Tsey, K. (2021). Checking up to keep on track: An Aboriginal-led approach to monitoring well-being. Evaluation Journal of Australia, August 19.
Krishna, U. (2021). Review of Political Leadership in Africa: leaders and development south of the Sahara by Giovanni Carbone & Alessandro Pellegata Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. 386. $99.99 (hbk). Journal of Modern African Studies 59(4), 560-562. DOI:
Kurji, J., Hackett, K., Wild, K. & Lassi, Z. (2021). The effect of maternity waiting homes on perinatal mortality is inconclusive: a critical appraisal of existing evidence from Sub‑Saharan Africa. BMC Research Notes, 14:86.
Maltzahn, Kathleen, Mary Whiteside, Annalyss Thompson, Jasmine Kirirua, John Cox, Helen Lee and Sarah MacLean. 2021. Lucky for Some: Bingo in Victoria. Report to funder. Bundoora: La Trobe University.
Oliver, S., Conroy, K., Umayam, H., Maugham, C., Roche, C., Langer, L., Nduku, P., Bradley, T., Bangpan, M., Kneale, D. 2021. Engaging stakeholders to co-design rigorous and relevant research and evaluation. CEDIL Methods Brief 5. Oxford and London: CEDIL.
Oliver, S., Langer, L., Nduku, P., Umayam, H., Conroy, K., Maugham, C., Bradley, T., Bangpan, M., Kneale, D., Roche, C. (2021). Engaging Stakeholders with Evidence and Uncertainty: Developing a toolkit. CEDIL Methods Working Paper 4. Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL), London and Oxford.
Roche, C. (2021) ‘Human Security from below in an uncertain world’, 2021 International Conference on Human Security & Pandemic, Amity University Mumbai, 23-24 November 2020, published in Martin, A. & Basistha, eds. Changing Dimensions of Human Security in the Contemporary World, Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Security and Governance, Mumbai, India.
Roche, C., and Jackson, L. (2021). RDI Conference Panel: Leadership in the shadow of the pandemic: researching spaces of resilience and transformation, Friday 2 July.
Roche, C., Hiriasia, T., Jackson, E., Moran, M., Leua Nanau, G., Saidah, C., Salim, I., Warapa, B., and Diver, R. (2021) Leadership in the shadow of the pandemic. Developmental Leadership Program Report.
Roche C, Brown G, Clune S, Shields N, Lewis V. Thinking with complexity in evaluation: A case study review. Evaluation Journal of Australasia. 2021;21(3):146-162.
Roche, C. et al. (2021). Engaging stakeholders with evidence and uncertainty online toolkit. Centre for Excellence in Development Impact and Learning.
Roche, C., and Krishna, U. (2021, April). Can NGOs support social movements? Strategy Day - Decolonising Development and Supporting Movement-Building. Oaktree Foundation, Melbourne. (Presentation to workshop).
Roche, C., Tomlin, A. & Krishna, U. (2021). The Development of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Approaches for Policy Engagement: Project Report and Overview. Oxford: University of Oxford.
Roche, C., Tomlin, A. & Krishna, U. (2021, January). Principles of monitoring, evaluation and learning for policy engagement. Oxford: University of Oxford.
Roche, C., Tomlin, A. & Krishna, U. (2021, January). Monitoring, evaluation and learning for policy engagement: approaches, questions and resources. Oxford: University of Oxford.
Roche, C., Tomlin, A. & Krishna, U. (2021, January). How universities and funders can support monitoring, evaluation and learning for policy engagement. Oxford: University of Oxford.
Roche, C., Tomlin, A. & Krishna, U. (2021, January). How do I monitor, evaluate and learn about policy engagement?. Oxford: University of Oxford.
Roche, C., Tomlin, A. & Krishna, U., and Pryor, W. (2021, May). Proving and Improving – Evaluating policy engagement is an opportunity for researchers and institutions to learn as well as demonstrate impact. LSE Impact Blog.
Smith, Y., Tawake, P., Rokovucago, L., and Schuster, A. (2021). RDI Conference Roundtable: The tenuous silver lining of COVID19 – Do Pacific Islanders lead when the expats go home? Friday, 2 July.
Spark, C., Cox, J. & Corbett, J. (2021). ‘Keeping an Eye out for Women’: Implicit Feminism, Political Leadership and Social Change in the Pacific Islands. The Contemporary Pacific. 33(1):64-95
Tawake, P., Rokotuibau, M., Kalpokas-Doan, J., Illingworth, A., Gibert, A and Smith, Y. (2021). Decolonisation and Locally Led Development - A Discussion Paper. ACFID.
Tyrrel, L., Kelly, L., Roche, C., and Jackson, E. (2021). Uncertainty and COVID-19: A Turning Point for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning? Abt Blog
Wild, K., de Araujo, G., Gomes, L., Fernandes, A., Marcal, L. & Taft, A. (2021). Improving the curriculum for health providers to respond to GBV: Evaluation outcomes for continuous improvement [Policy brief to Health Alliance International]. Melbourne: La Trobe University.
Wild, K., Gomes, L., Fernandes, A., Marcal, L., Langford, K., de Araujo, G., Taft, A. (2021). The process of adapting LIVES for health provider training in Timor-Leste [Policy brief to Ministry of Health, Timor-Leste]. Melbourne: La Trobe University.
Wild, K., de Araujo, G., Gomes, L., Fernandes, A., Marcal, L. & Taft, A. (2021). Outcomes and sustainability of the pre-service curriculum for health providers to address violence against women and children in Timor-Leste [Report to the National University of Timor-Leste]. Melbourne: La Trobe University.
Wild, K., Kelly, L., & Roche, C. (2021). “It’s a coffee with a purpose”: perspectives on thinking and working politically in the Pacific. Development in Practice.
2020 Publications
Australian Red Cross, Humanitarian Advisory Group and the Centre for Human Security and Social Change (2020, November). A window of opportunity: learning from COVID-19 to progress locally led response and development think piece.
Campbell, D., Napaljarri, M.R., & Kelly, L. (2020, 17 December). Australia's Indigenous Evaluation Strategy: Making good on the promise of centring the First Nations'experience. Published by ANTaR.
Campbell, D. & Kelly, L.(2020). Central Land Council Community Development Program - Monitoring Report June 2018 – July 2019.
Cordeiro, M., Jackson, E., Adams, C., Roche, A. (October 2020). Improving Research Use In International Development: An RDI Network Action Research Project. Final project report.
Cox, J. (2020). Review of Connell, John and Helen Lee (eds). Change and Continuity in the Pacific: Revisiting the Region. Routledge Pacific Rim Geographies, Vol. 10. London and New York: Routledge. Small States and Territories. 2(3): 463-4
Cox, J. (2020). Livelihoods, Leadership, Linkages, and Locality: The Simbo for Change Project, Solomon Islands. DLP Blog.
Cox, J., Corbett, J., & Spark, C. (2020). Being the President: Hilda Heine, Gender and Political Leadership in the Marshall Islands. Small States & Territories. 3(2). 339-358.
Cox, J., Varea, R., Finau, G., Tarai, J., Kant, R., Titifanue, J., & Neef, A. (2020). Disaster Preparedness and the Abeyance of Agency: Christian Responses to Tropical Cyclone Winston in Fiji. Anthropological Forum. 30(1-2): 125–140.
Craney, A. (2020). Local participation or elite capture in sheep’s clothing? A conundrum of locally led development. Politics and Governance. 8(4). 191-200.
Craney, A. and Hudson, D. (2020). Navigating the dilemmas of politically smart, locally led development: the Pacific-based Green Growth Leaders' Coalition. Third World Quarterly.
Craney, A., and Hudson, D. (2020). The hard truth about supporting local leadership: three dilemmas for those who want to. DLP Blog
Craney, A., & Jackson, E. (September 2020). Challenges and opportunities for Pacific women’s participation in TVET.
de Araujo, G., Wild, K., Fernandes, A., Gomes, L., Taft, A. (2020). Feto sira nia istoria kona-ba trauma no rezilensia: Uza video hodi promove empatia ba fornesedor saude sira ne’ebe responde ba violensia hasoru feto. In S. Farram et al., Understanding Timor-Leste, Volume 1. Timor-Leste Studies Association.
Denney, L. & Roche, C. (2020, October). Localising Developmental Leadership in an Uncertain World, Reimagining Development Series, UNSW Institute for Global Development.
Finau, G. (2020). Imagining the Future of Social and Environmental Accounting Research for Pacific Small Island Developing States. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal. 40(1). 45-52.
Hudson, D., Lemay-Hébert, N., Mcloughlin, C., and Roche, C. (2020). Leadership and Change in Asia-Pacific: Where Does Political Will Come From?. Politics and Governance. 8(4). 131-135.
Hudson, D., Mcloughlin, C., Roche, C., & Tomlin, A. (2020, 7 April). Developmental Leadership in a time of Global Pandemic.
Centre for Human Security & Social Change (2020, January). Submission to DFAT's International Development Policy Review.
Centre for Human Security & Social Change (2020, February). Supplementary submission to DFAT's International Development Policy Review.
Jackson, E., Pellini, A., and Prasetiamartati, B. (2020) Improving the enabling environment for evidence-informed policy making: an example from Indonesia. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice. 16(3). 503-514.
Kant, R. (2020). Extractive Mining and Free, Prior, Informed Consent: A Fiji case Study. Citizens’ Constitutional Forum (CCF) Limited, Suva, Fiji.
Kelly, L. (2020, July). Community Planning and Development Program: Monitoring Report for 2019. Northern Land Council.
King, M., Pinnington, R., & Roche, C. (2020, 1 June). Locally-led aid in the time of corona: throwing away the remote control. DLP Blog.
Krishna, U. (2020). A closer look at refugee integration in India. South Asia Journal. New York: South Asia Journal.
Krishna, U. (2020, August 5). Building business-civil society coalitions to secure digital freedoms. Birmingham: Developmental Leadership Program.
Krishna, U., Harris, J., & Mitchell, R. (2020, April). Exploring the integration of child refugees in the United Kingdom: the case of the Kindertransport. Jewish Historial Studies Volume 51, Issue 1.
Krishna, U & Roche, C. (November 2020). Locating Leadership and Political Will in Social Policy: The Story of India’s MGNREGA. Politics and Governance. 8:168-179.
McLoughin, C., Hudson, D., Roche, C., and Tomlin, Al. (2020). Leadership in the shadow of the pandemic: researching spaces of resilience and transformation. DLP Blog.
Osborne, J.J., Kenni, L., Abraham, S., Flint, J., Tarpey, F., & Roche, C. (2020, 17 December). A moment in time: COVID, localisation and the Pacific. Devpolicy Blog.
Mundy, J. (2020) Scoping study on commissioning research and improving the effectiveness of partnerships in CLARE: a practitioner’s perspective. 1-83.
Roche, C. (2020, 2 March). Escape the room: Take the facts with you! DLP Blog.
Roche, C., Cox, J., Rokotuibau, M., Tawake, P. & Smith, Y. (2020). The Characteristics of Locally Led Development in the Pacific. Politics and Governance. 8:136-146. 2020
Roche, C. & Jackson, E. (2020, April). Supporting local responses to COVID-19. Brief.
Roche, C. & Jackson, E. (2020, April). Supporting local responses to COVID-19: Nine things you need to know.
Roche, C., Kelly, L., Tyrrel, L., & Jackson, E. (2020, 27 May). Can we understand COVID-19 fast enough – and well enough – to make a difference? From Poverty to Power. Oxfam Blog.
Roche, C. and Tarpey, F (23 March, 2020) COVID-19, Localisation and Locally-led Development: A critical juncture. DevPol Blog.
Roche, C., Tarpey, F., Sutton, K. & Flint, J. (2020, 27 November). ‘Is Covid a window of opportunity for localizing aid? Learning from a natural experiment in the Pacific’. Blog From Poverty to Power.
Roche, C., Tyrrel, L., Kelly, L., & Jackson, E. (2020). Uncertainty and COVID-19: A turning point for Monitoring Evaluation, Research and Learning. Abt Associates Working Paper Series .
Suti, E., Hoatson, L., Tafunai, A. & Cox, J. (2020). Livelihoods, Leadership, Linkages, and Locality: The Simbo for Change Project. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 62(1):15-26
Tabualevu, M., Cordeiro, M. & Kelly, L. (2020, February) ‘Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development, Six-Year Evaluation Report’. Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development: Six year evaluation report and management response. Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Titifanue, J., Kant, R., & Finau, G. (2020). A crucible for bottom-up regionalism? The digital renaissance: West Papuan media suppression and social media in the Pacific. Pacific Journalism Review. 26. 140-147.
Tyrrel, L., Kelly, L., Roche, C., & Jackson, E. (May 2020). Uncertainty and COVID-19: A turning point for Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning? A discussion note for aid actors, policymakers and practitioners. Abt Associates Working Paper.
Tyrrel, L., Kelly, L., Roche, C. and Jackson, L. (2020, 27 May). Can we understand COVID-19 fast enough – and well enough – to make a difference? Oxfam blog.
Tyrrel, L., Moore, L., Green, D., Sweeney, D., Kelly, L., & Roche, C. (2020, 29 April). Five messages for the new Australian aid performance framework: a collective view from MERL wonks.
Varea, R., Titifanue, J., Varea, R., and Kant, R. (2020) The political affordances of the ‘coconut wireless’: rotumans on social media in the 2018 Fiji elections. Pacific Journalism Review. 26:221-241
Wild, K. (2020) Maternity waiting homes in times of crisis: Can current models meet women's needs? Women and Birth.
34(4). 306-308.
Wild, K., de Araujo, G., Fernandes, A., Gomes, L., & Taft, A. (2020). Women’s Stories of Trauma and Resilience: The Use of Video Narratives in Promoting Empathy for Health Providers Responding to Violence against Women. In S. Farram et al., Understanding Timor-Leste, Volume 1. Timor-Leste Studies Association.
Wild, K., Gomes, L., de Araujo, G., Fernandes, A., Marcal, L., & Taft, A. (2020). Curriculum Development in Timor-Leste: Results from the Pilot of WHO’s Pre-Service Curriculum on Responding to Violence against Women and Children. In S. Farram et al., Understanding Timor-Leste, Volume 1. Timor-Leste Studies Association.
Wild, K., Gomes, L., Fernandes, A., De Araujo, G., McDonald, S., & Taft, A. (2020, July). Security from above and below: A critical ethnography of the health response to violence against women in Timor-Leste.
Wild, K., Hooker, L., Gomes, L., Fernandes, A., Marcal, L., de Araujo, G., & Taft, A. (2020). WHO’s Curriculum Improves Timor-Leste Nursing and Midwifery Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Confidence in Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence [Abstracts and Papers from the 2020 Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International Conference]. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 7:1-79.
2019 Publications
Babon, A., Cox J., Denney, L., Kelly, P., Luana, D., Lusby, S., Okole, H., Roche, C., Somare-Brash, D. & Thomas, B. (2019, 1 April). Report: Sub-national governance assessment refresh.
Babon, A. (2019, 22 March). Understanding the role of technical assistance in reform processes.
Babon, A. & Thomas, B. (2019, 26 February). Case study research: 'You have to bring a pig': How technical advisors work politically in the PNG Decentralisation and Citizen Participation Partnership.
Babon, A. (2019, 14 February). Is knowledge brokering broken?
Babon, A., Cox. J., Kelly, P., Luana, D., Lusby, S., Okole, H., Roche, C., Somare-Brash, D., Thomas. B., (2019). Women in business.
Babon, A., Cox. J., Kelly, P., Luana, D., Lusby, S., Okole, H., Roche, C., Somare-Brash, D., Thomas. B., (2019). Governance Focus Groups.
Babon, A., Cox. J., Kelly, P., Luana, D., Lusby, S., Okole, H., Roche, C., Somare-Brash, D., Thomas. B., (2019). Sub-national Governance Card Sorting Workshop 2.
Babon, A., Cox. J., Kelly, P., Luana, D., Lusby, S., Okole, H., Roche, C., Somare-Brash, D., Thomas. B., (2019). Sub-national Governance Card Sorting Workshop 1.
Cox, J. (2019). Money Schemes in Contemporary Melanesia. In E. Hirsch & W. Rollason (Eds.), The Melanesian World. (pp.180-193). London: Routledge.
Cox, J. (2019). The social and political effects of Tropical Cyclone Winston in Fiji: recent research perspectives. SGDIA Working Paper Series.
Craney, A. (2019). Youth leadership in Fiji and Solomon Islands: creating opportunities for civic engagement, in H. Lee (Ed.) Pacific Youth: Local and Global Futures. Canberra: ANU Press.
Denney, L., and Roche. C. (2019). How can developmental leadership be supported? DLP
Denney, L., and Roche. C. (2019). How can aid agencies support developmental leadership? DLP Blog
Denney, L. (2019, 26 February). Knowledge helpdesk request: People’s expectations of leaders in Papua New Guinea and implications for leadership.
Finau, G., Jacobs, K., & Chand, S., (2019). Agents of alienation: accountants and the land grab of Papua New Guinea. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal. 32(5), (pp.1558-1584).
Kant, R. (2019). Ethnic Blindness in Ethnically Divided Society: Implications for Ethnic Relations in Fiji. In S. Ratuva (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kelly, P. (2019, 1 August). Positive outliers – jumping from complex problems to out there solutions.
Kelly, P. (2019, 1 April). Guidance note: Guide to card sorting technique.
Kelly, P. & Roche, C. (2019, 30 July). Guidance note: Positive outliers - What they are, where to find them and how to learn from them.
Price, C. (2019, 12 August). In conversation with Larrissa Molai, Senior Coordinator Disability Inclusion.
Price, C. (2019, 12 March). Walking the talk – developmental research in action.
Spark, C., Cox, J. & Corbett, J. (2019). Gender, political representation and symbolic capital: how some women politicians succeed. Third World Quarterly. 40(7). 1227-1245.
Tarai, J. (2019). Social media and Fiji’s 2018 national election. Pacific Journalism Review: Te Koakoa, 25(1&2), 52-64.
Thomas, B. (2019, 1 August). Reflections from the RDI conference; lessons for PNG.
Thomas, B., Kabui, P., Pascoe, S. and Babon, A. (2019, 6 March). Gender equality and social inclusion mapping.
Wild. K., Gomes, L., Fernandes, A., de Araujo, G., Madeira, I., Matos, L.C., McDonald, S., Taft, A. (2019). Responding to violence against women: A qualitative study with midwives in Timor-Leste. Women and Birth, 32(4):e459-e466.
2018 Publications
Babon, A., Cox. J., Kelly, P., Luana, D., Lusby, S., Okole, H., Roche, C., Somare-Brash, D., Thomas. B., (2018). Participatory youth consultations on governance.
Babon, A. and Denney, L. (2018, 20 September). The role of research and learning in adaptive programming. DevPolicy Blog.
Brimacombe, T., Kant, R., Finau, G., Tarai, J. Titifanue, J. (2018). A new frontier in digital activism: An exploration of digital feminism in Fiji. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, Special Issue: The Pacific in the twenty-first century. 5(3), 508-521.
Brimacombe, T., Finau, G., Kant, R., Tarai, J. and Titifanue, J. (2018). Digital feminism in Fiji. Developmental Leadership Program, Research Paper 59.
Brimacombe, T. and Roche, C. (2018) Power Politics & Collective Action: Lessons for supporting gendered coalitions. Development Bulletin 79.
Cox, J. (2018). Fast Money Schemes: Hope and Deception in Papua New Guinea. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press
Cox, J., Finau, G., Kant, R., Tarai, J., and Titifanue, J., (2018). Disaster, Divine Judgment, and Original Sin: Christian Interpretations of Tropical Cyclone Winston and Climate Change in Fiji. The Contemporary Pacific, 30(2), 380-410.
Cox, J. (2018). The prosperity gospel in anthropology and theology: the case of fast money schemes in Papua New Guinea. St Mark’s Review, Issue 244, 87-99.;dn=972876085874198;res=IELHSS
Cox, J. (2018, 1 April). Becoming Landowners: Entanglements of Custom and Modernity in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste [Review of the Book Becoming Landowners: Entanglements of Custom and Modernity in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste by Victoria Stead.] The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 29(1), 133-134.
Denney, L. (2018, 11 September). Walking the adaptive talk. Devpolicy Blog.
Derbyshire, H., Gibson, S., Hudson, D., and Roche, C. (2018). Briefing Note: Politically Informed, Gender Aware Programming: Five Lessons from Practice. Birmingham: Development Leadership Program.
Derbyshire, H., Siow, O., Gibson, S., Hudson, D., and Roche, C. (2018). From Silos to Synergy: Learning from Politically Informed, Gender Aware Programmes, Gender and Politics in Practice. Birmingham: Development Leadership Program.
Finau, G., Cox, J., Tarai, J., Kant, R., Varea, R., and Titifanue, J. (2018). Social media and disaster communication: A case study of Cyclone Winston. Pacific Journalism Review: Te Koakoa, 24(1), 123-137.
Hayes, N., Intrina, L., Kelly, PR. (2018). Institutionalizing Inequality: Calculative Practices and Regimes of Inequality in International Development. Organization Studies, 39(9), 1203-1226.
Hoatson, L., 2018. Practice Note: The Role of Research in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in the Solomon Islands Governance and Justice Programs, Cardno and La Trobe University
Hudson, D., Mcloughlin, C., Marquette, H., and Roche, C., (2018). Inside the black box of political will: 10 years of findings from the Developmental Leadership Program. Birmingham: Development Leadership Program. Retrieved from
Hudson, D., Mcloughlin, C., Marquette, H., and Roche, C., (2018). Developmental Leadership: What it is, why it matters, and how it can be supported. Birmingham: Development Leadership Program.
Centre for Human Security and Social Change (2018). Learning module – Bullying.
Centre for Human Security and Social Change (2018). Learning module - Organisational change.
Centre for Human Security and Social Change (2018). Learning module - Performance management.
Kant, R., Titifanue, J., Tarai, J., and Finau, G. (2018). Internet under threat?: The politics of online censorship in the Pacific Islands. Pacific Journalism Review: Te Koakoa, 24(2), 64-83.
Kelly, L. (2018). Implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Teaching video prepared for La Trobe University Master of International Development and ACFID Making Change Happen Professional Development Program.
Kelly, P. (2018) An activity theory study of data, knowledge, and power in the design of an international development NGO impact evaluation. Information Systems Journal, 28(3), 465– 488.
McMichael, C. (2018). Toilet Talk: Eliminating Open Defecation and Improved Sanitation in Nepal. Medical Anthropology Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness. 27(4), 294-310.
Oliver, S., Hollingworth, S., Briner, R., Swann, C., Hinds, K., and Roche, C. (2018). Effective and efficient committee work: A Systematic overview of multidisciplinary literatures. Evidence Base, 2018(2), 1-21,
Oliver, S., Roche, C., Stewart, R., Bangpan, M., Dickson, K., Pells, K., Cartwright, N., Hargreaves, J., Gough, D. (2018). Stakeholder Engagement for Development Impact Evaluation and Evidence Synthesis. London: CEDIL Inception Paper 3. Retrieved from
Orrnert, A. (2018). Youth initiatives, Supporting citizen engagement with government and civic life.
Pascoe, S. (2018). The difference between a case study, impact story and success story.
Pascoe, S. (2018). Guide to ethical and gender-sensitive research.
Pascoe, S. (2018). Guide to note taking.
Pasoce, S. (2018). Guide to thematic analysis in research.
Pasoce, S. (2018). Women's representation in parliament.
Rangou, J., Babon, A., Gibson, K. and Kelly, L. (2018). Leadership Audit: Curriculum Mapping for Leadership Training in Papua New Guinea.
Roche, C. (2018). Submission on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from the Centre for Human Security and Social Change at La Trobe University, to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee of the Australian Senate, 29 March.
Roche, C. (2018). Why We Lie about Aid: Development and the Messy Politics of Change [Review of the Book Why We Lie about Aid: Development and the Messy Politics of Change by Pablo Yanguas.], The Journal of Development Studies 54(12), 1-2.
Roche, C., and Brimacombe, T. (2018). Power politics and collective action: Lessons for supporting gendered coalitions. Development Bulletin 79, 83-87.
Roche, C., Cox, J., Derbyshire, H., Gibson, S., & Hudson, D. (2018). The Bigger Picture: Gender and Politics in Practice. Birmingham: Development Leadership Program. Retrieved from
Roche, C. and Kelly, L. (2018, 18 September). Monitoring and evaluation for adaptive programming. DevPolicy Blog.
Roche, C. (2018, 3 July). Simplicity, Accountability and Relationships: Three ways to ensure MEL supports Adaptive Management. From Poverty to Power – Duncan Green’s Blog.
Rousseau, B., and Kenneth-Watson, D. (2018). Supporting coalition-based reform in Vanuatu. Developmental Leadership Program, Research Paper 51.
Sackett, L., Kant, R., and Titifanue, J. (2018). The Rotuma Bill No. 6 of 2015: What is at stake for Rotuma? SGDIA Working Paper Series. Working Paper number 4. Retrieved from:
Spark, C., Cox, J., and Corbett, J., (2018). Being the First: Women leaders in the Pacific Islands. Developmental Leadership Program Gender and Politics in Practice series. Retrieved from
Strachan, A. (2018). Extractive industries and local governance.
Strachan, A. (2018). Methods for monitoring and evaluating local government performance. Retrieved from
Strachan, A. (2018). Selecting private sector partners in supporting governance programming.
Tarai, J. (2018). Unpacking Fiji internet law narratives: Online safety or online regulation? Pacific Journalism Review 24(2), 84-94.
Tarai, J. and Drugunalevu, E. (2018). Citizen journalism, social media & the media in Fiji. SGDIA Working Paper Series. Working Paper number 7.
Tarai, J. (2018, 30 November). 2018 Fiji elections: the real losses and wins. DevPolicy Blog.
Thomas B. (2018). Youth and governance.
Timmis H. (2018). Influencing policy with technical assistance.
Timmis, H. (2018). Influencing policy makers with behavioural insights.
Titifanue, J., Varea, RR., Varea, R., Kant, R., Finau, G. (2018). Digital diaspora, reinvigorating Indigenous identity and online activism: social media and the reorientation of Rotuman identity. Media International Australia, 169(1), 32-42.
Wild, K., Gomes, L., Fernandes, A., de Araujod, G., Madeirab, I., da Conceicao Matosb, L. Taft, A. (2018). Responding to violence against women: A qualitative study with midwives in Timor-Leste. Women and Birth: Journal of the Australian College of Midwives
2017 Publications
Aggarwal, N. (2017, 9 November). Internship with the Centre for Human Security and Social Change: Diary Entry One. A World of Heritage.
Aggarwal, N. (2017, 11 November). Internship with the Centre for Human Security and Social Change: Diary Entry Two. A World of Heritage.
Aggarwal, N. (2017, 11 November). Internship with the Centre for Human Security and Social Change: Diary Entry Three. A World of Heritage.
Brimacombe, T. (2017). Pacific policy pathways: Young women online and offline in: M. Macintyre and C. Spark, eds., Transformations of Gender in Melanesia, 1st ed. Acton: ANU Press, 141-162.
Brimacombe, T. and Baú, V. (2017). Media Approaches to Communicating for Development. Communication for Development Proceedings. Network Conference Side Event, 13-14 June, University of Sydney, Sydney.
Brimacombe, T., Kant, R., Finau, G., Tarai, J. and Titifanue, J. (2017, 14 March). #Feminism: digital technologies and feminist activism in Fiji. DevPolicyBlog.
Cox, J. (2017). Kindy and grassroots gender transformations in Solomon Islands. In: M. Macintyre and C. Spark, eds., Transformations of Gender in Melanesia, 1st ed. Acton: ANU Press, 69-93.
Cox, J. (2017, 28 April). Presidential Profile – Hilda Heine, the first woman to head an independent Pacific Islands state. Presidential Power.
Finlayson, C. (2017, 24 January). Trade Unions as platforms for social change. Centre for Human Security and Social Change Blog.
Finlayson, C. (2017, 2 August). How do you actually do action research? Centre for Human Security and Social Change Blog.
Hayes, N., Introna, L. D., & Kelly, P. (2017). Institutionalizing Inequality: Calculative practices and regimes of inequality in international development. Organization Studies, 0170840617694067.
Kant, R. (2017) Casting a blind eye: Is Fiji’s 2013 ‘ethnically- blind’ constitution a path to democratic stability? Journal of South Pacific Law. 1:3 – 36.
Kelly, L. (2017) Central Land Council, Community Development Monitoring Report, 2016-17, Central Land Council, Alice Springs.
Roche, C. (2017). Centre for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University, Foreign Policy White Paper Submission, 27 February.
Roche, C. and Gibson, S. (2017, 14 February). Gender analysis, and thinking and working politically – bridging the gap.
Smith, Y. (2017, 21 June). Partnerships: Handle with Care.
Tavaiqia, L. and Finau, G. (2017) Public accountability, public accounts committee and constitutional design: a case study of Fiji. Journal of South Pacific Law. 1: 55 – 72.
2016 Publications
Brimacombe, T. (2016) ‘Trending Trousers: Debating Kastom, Clothing and Gender in the Vanuatu Mediascape’, The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 17(1): 17-33.
Brimacombe, T. (2016) Communication for Development, DLP Concept Brief 07, Birmingham: Developmental Leadership Program.
Chapman, R., Kelly, L. & Ford, T. (2016) How to adopt new ways of working for social change in Australia Ahead of the Curve, An Agenda for International Development to 2025, ACFID, Canberra.
Cox, J. (2016). ‘Bandit singsing: the tourism unexperience. In K. Alexeyeff and J. Taylor (eds). Touring Pacific Cultures. Canberra: ANU Press, 379-392.
Cox, J. (2016). ‘Bandit singsing: the tourism unexperience. In K. Alexeyeff and J. Taylor (eds). Touring Pacific Cultures. Canberra: ANU Press, 379-392.
Cox, J. (2016). ‘Value and the art of deception: public morality in a Papua New Guinean Ponzi scheme’. In L. F. Angosto-Ferrandez and G. H. Presterudstuen (eds) Anthropologies of Value: Cultures of Accumulation across the Global North and South. London: Pluto Press, 51-74.
Cox, J. (2016). Review of Street, A. 2014. Biomedicine in an Unstable Place: Infrastructure and Personhood in a Papua New Guinean Hospital. American Anthropologist 118(2):456-7.
Cox, J. (2016). A key moment in history, anthropology and Island Melanesia: Review of E. Hviding and C. Berg (eds) The Ethnographic Experiment: A.M. Hocart and W.H.R Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 57(1): 140-1.
Denney, L. & McLaren, R. (2016). Thinking and working politically to support developmental leadership and coalitions: The Pacific Leadership Program. DLP Research Paper 40. Suva / Birmingham: Pacific Leadership Program / Developmental Leadership Program.
Denney, L. and McLaren, R. (2016, 11 November). Putting ‘thinking and working politically’ into practice – with a gender and Pacific twist. DevPolicy blog.
Fletcher, G., Brimacombe, T. & Roche, C. (2016). Power, politics and coalitions in the Pacific: Lessons from collective action on gender and power, DLP Research Paper. Suva / Birmingham: Pacific Women / Developmental Leadership Program, University of Birmingham.
Kelly, L. (2016) The Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme, Effective Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Program review 2011 – 2016, DFAT, Canberra.
Kelly, L. (2016) Central Land Council Community Development Monitoring Program, Monitoring Report January 2-15-June 2016, Central Land Council, Alice Springs.
Lyons, A., Fletcher, G., Farmer, J., Kenny, A., Bourke, L., Carra, K & Emily Bariola, E. (2016) Participation in rural community groups and links with psychological well-being and resilience: a cross-sectional community-based study. BMC Psychology 4:16 DOI 10.1186/s40359-016-0121-8
Roche, C. and Kelly, L. (2016). Australian Volunteers International Development Approach. Research report produced for AVI.
Roche, C. & Madvig, A. (2016) ‘Working towards Transformational Development and the Sustainable Development Goals’. Centre for Human Security and Social Change Research report, La Trobe University, Bundoora.
Roche, C. (2016, 19 February). Politics, risk and development: three takeaways. DLP.
Roche, C. (2016, 15 April). What is transformative leadership? University World News.
Roche, C. and Koorey, S. (2016, 2 June). Making Change Happen – Be Part of Unique Professional Development Opportunity. ACFID Blog.–-be-part-unique-professional-development-opportunity
Roche, C. and Madvig, A. (2016, 25 October). Working towards transformational development and the Sustainable Development Goals. ACFID blog.
Roche, C. (2016, 15 November). Overcoming Premature Evaluation. From Poverty to Power: How active citizens and effective states can change the world. Oxfam blog.
Roche, C. (2016, 19 February). Politics, risk and development: three takeaways. DLP.
Thornton, T. (2016) 'The “complexity revolution” seen from a historical and heterodox perspective'. In Reclaiming Pluralism in Economics J Courvisanos, A Millmow and J Doughney (ed). London: Routledge.
Thornton, T. (2016). From Economics to Political Economy: The Promise, Problems and Solutions of Pluralist Economics, London: Routledge.
2015 Publications
Brimacombe, T. & Bau, V. (2015) Report of Proceedings: Communication for Development Approaches in the Australian NGO Sector and Academia. June 5, 2015.
Fletcher, G. (2015) Addressing Gender in Impact Evaluation: What Should be Considered? Methods Lab publication. ODI/DFAT/Better Evaluation.
Fletcher, G. (2015) The knowledge gap: examining the rhetoric and implementation of peer education for HIV prevention in Myanmar. Sex Education, 15(4):1-14.
Fletcher, G. (2015) Gender, Sexuality and Inequality. Developmental Leadership Program Concept Brief.
Fletcher, G. (2015) From Principles to Practice: A Tool to Help Identify and Question Assumptions that Lie Behind Work with MSM and Transgender People. Bangkok, Thailand: APCOM.
Roche C. with. Eyben,R. I. Guijt, I. & Shutt.C. (eds.) (2015) The Politics of Evidence and Results in International Development: Playing the game to change the rules? Practical Action Publishing.
Roche, C. (2015) The Politics of Juggling Multiple Accountability Disorder. In R. Eyben, I. Guijt, C. Roche & C. Shutt (eds.) The Politics of Evidence and Results in International Development: Playing the game to change the rules? Practical Action Publishing.
Roche C. (2015) DLP’s Theory of Change and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework. October 2015.
Roche C. & Kelly, L. (2015) Theory of Change and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Healing Foundation. Social Compass.
Roche, C. & Kelly, L. (2015) Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Proposal Papers: support to women’s collective action and monitoring and evaluation processes. DFAT.
Thornton, T. (2015) ‘The Changing Face of Mainstream Economics?’ Journal of Australian Political Economy, Winter.
2014 Publications
Fletcher, G. (2014) ‘You just wanna be like everyone else’: Exploring the experiences of gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer sportspeople through a languaging lens. In Annals of Leisure Research: ANZAL Conference Special Issue 17(4).
Fletcher, G., Kyaw Thu; Pyae Phyo Maung; Naw Margueritta Mu Yeh Hpeh & Kyaw Myint (2014). The Paung Ku model: encouraging change through learning. In Development in Practice 24(2) pp. 298-306.
Fletcher, G. (2014) Just how do we create change? Sites of contradiction and the ‘black box’ of change in primary prevention. In Preventing Sexual Violence: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Overcoming a Rape Culture (eds: Henry, Nicola; Powell, Anastasia). Chapter 7, pp. 127-149. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fletcher, G., Greet Peersman and Irene Guijt (2014) ‘It’s the principle of the thing: how do we ensure that evaluation contributes to closing gaps between international development rhetoric and practice?’. Round Table symposium. Australasian Evaluation Society Conference, Darwin, Australia.
McMichael, C., Nunn, C., Gifford, S. and Correa-Velez, I. (2014) Studying refugee settlement with longitudinal research: methodological and ethical challenges from the Good Starts study. Journal of Refugee Studies
McMichael, C., Temple-Smith, M. and Gifford, S. (2014) Diversity and difference: the cultural shaping of sexual health. In: M. Temple-Smith and S. Gifford (eds.) Sexual Health: a multidisciplinary approach. IP Communications: Melbourne.
McMichael, C. (2014) Food security, climate change and migration. In: R. Akhtar (ed.) Environmental deterioration and human health: natural and anthropogenic determinants Springer: New Delhi.
McMichael, C. (2014) ‘Refugees, Health and Gender’ The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society
McMichael, C. et al. (2014) Human security (group 5 report) In: Climate change and challenges to health: risks and opportunities. Recommendations from the 2014 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank. Canberra: Australian Academy of Science.
O'Keefe, M (2014), 'Lessons from the Rise and Fall of the Military AIDS Hypothesis: Politics, Evidence and Persuasion', in Buse and Altman eds, Thinking Politically about HIV, Routledge.
O'Keefe, M, Roche C. et. al. (2014), Using Action Research and Learning for Politically Informed Programming, Research Paper 29, Developmental Leadership Program, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, September 2014
Roche, C. (2014), ‘The End of the Golden Age of NGOs?’ with Andrew Hewett, in 'Development futures: alternative pathways to end poverty', Development Bulletin, No. 76 August 2013, p.27-31
Roche, C. (2014), ‘Does Impact Evaluation in Development Matter? Well, It Depends What It’s For!’, European Journal of Development Research Vol 26:1 46-54, with Irene Guijt.
Roche, C. (2014), 'A Changing Landscape for Partnerships: The Australian NGO experience' with Linda Kelly in Rethinking Partnerships in a Post-2015 World: Towards Equitable, Inclusive and Sustainable Development, Reality of Aid Report 2014, p.60-68.
Roche, C. (2014), 'Partnerships for Effective Development' with Linda Kelly and Fiona Donohoue, ACFID research report.
Roche, C. and Ensor, J (2014), ‘Independent Evaluation of the Central Land Council's community development and governance programs’, report prepared for the Central Land Council, Northern Territory.
2013 Publications
Eyben, R., Gujit, I., Roche, C., Shutt, C. and Whitty, B. (2013), The Politics of Evidence
Conference Report, United Kingdom, Institute of Development Studies.
Roche, C. (2013). Organisational case study of an international NGO (INGO). Unpublished mimeo prepared for The Politics of Evidence Conference.
Roche, C. (2013), Effective partnerships between NGOs, civil society organisations and universities. Beyond 2015. Association of Commonwealth Universities.
Roche, C. (2013, 25 February). Epistemology: the elephant in the room? Big Push Forward Blog.
Roche, C. (2013, 4 April). Mixed Methods to the Rescue? Or Playing the Game to Change the Rules… Big Push Forward Blog.
Roche, C. and Eyben, R. (2013, 22 January). The Political Implications of Evidence-Based Approaches (aka Start of This Week’s Wonkwar on the Results Agenda). From Politics to Power Blog.
Roche, C. and Eyben, R. (2013, 24 January). Evidence and results wonkwar final salvo (for now): Eyben and Roche respond to Whitty and Dercon + your chance to vote. From Politics to Power Blog.
Roche, C. and Hewett, A. (2013, 22 November). The end of the Golden Age of NGOs? DevPolicy Blog.
Roche, C. and Hewett, A. (2013, 25 November) The end of the Golden Age of NGOs? Part 2. DevPolicy Blog.