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Analysing the accountability ecosystem in Palau

A new report by Aidan Craney and Bernadett Besebes analyses the accountability ecosystem in Palau.

CHSSC wins Research Excellence Award for our partnership with WETT

The CHSSC has won the Research Excellence Award for Industry Engagement and Partnering from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at La Trobe University for our work with the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust

AES24 International Evaluation Conference

Centre staff reflect on a thought-provoking and enriching week at the recent Australian Evaluation Society’s 2024 International Evaluation Conference.

Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia

Lisa Denney and Elisabeth Jackson address human trafficking in Southeast Asia

Responsive governance in the Pacific

Glenn Bond sets out some options on what a responsive governance portfolio for UNDP might look like in the Pacific.

Making clear bets for change: Australia's International Development Policy

Lisa Denney reflects on the strategies for change that are incorporated in Australia's International Development Policy

Gender equality, the Pacific way

Elisabeth Jackson and Mercy Masta on how cultural norms in the Pacific can be used to address gender inequality in the Pacific region.

Analysing the accountability ecosystem in Kiribati

A new report by Aidan Craney and Tearinaki Tanielu suggests that Kiribati is leading the Pacific on accountability

Locally Led Development: The What, Why and How

Locally led development is fundamentally about shifting power to local organisations and away from international organisations and donors.

Aidan Craney and Yeshe Smith discuss the impact of racism, colonialism and whiteness in development

How did the exodus of Australian development workers during COVID-19 impact projects in the Pacific? And what lessons can be drawn for future development assistance?

Congratulations to the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust

We extend our congratulations to the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust for winning the 2024 NAIDOC Education Award.

Inquiry into Australia's Response to Pacific Priorities

The Centre has recently made a submission to the Inquiry into Australia's response to the priorities of Pacific Island countries and the Pacific region.

Racism, colonialism and whiteness in development

The sudden departure of foreign, mostly white, development staff from Pacific countries during Covid-19 created opportunities for local staff to lead.

Disability and Slavery in Asia

Elisabeth Jackson on the links between slavery and disability in Asia

Launch of report on intersection between disability and trafficking

Our report on the intersection between disability and trafficking for the ASEAN-Australia Counter Trafficking Program was launched on 16 April

Securing Legal Recognition for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia

This report explores the 10-year process of achieving disability law reform in Indonesia which was driven by a small group of disability activists.

La Trobe and The Asia Foundation sign partnership agreement

La Trobe Vice Chancellor Theo Farrell and The Asia Foundation Vice President of Strategic Partnerships Thomas Parks signed a three-year partnership agreement on 16 April 2024

Lisa Denney on Diverse Pathways to People Centred Justice

According to Lisa Denney, Australia should support the diverse ways people in the region access justice, beyond that of policing and the formal sector

Approaches to engaging men in support of women's leadership in the Pacific

This report brings together insights from both Pacific and global efforts to engage with men in support of women's leadership and gender equality.

Securing Reserved Seats for Women in Vanuatu's Municipal Councils

This paper explores how temporary special measures to reserve seats for women in Vanuatu's Municipal Councils were secured to improve women's political participation.

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Monday 16 September 2024

How can we better understand what makes people vulnerable to human trafficking?