Animal Research and Openness

The ANZCCART Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching in Australia is a voluntary commitment that organisations can sign to show their dedication to enhancing transparency in the use of animals for research or teaching purposes.

The Openness Agreement was introduced at the ANZCCART Conference on August 10, 2023, where 32 organisations were recognised as Inaugural Signatories or Supporters.

La Trobe University is proud to be an inaugural signatory to the ANZCCART Openness Agreement, highlighting our commitment to transparency and ethical conduct in research and teaching involving animals.

We understand that the use of animals in research and teaching can be polarising and we respect the diversity of perspectives within our institution and in the broader community, and in becoming a signatory, we affirm our dedication to being open about the nature, purpose and extent of the use of animals in our research and teaching activities.

La Trobe University pledges to meet all four commitments in the Openness Agreement:

Commitment 1. We will be open about our involvement in the use of animals in research or teaching.

In working towards this Commitment, we will:

  • Aim to ensure our communications provide accurate descriptions about the potential benefits, harms, limitations and ethical considerations regarding our use of animals.
  • Take steps to ensure that our staff (and students, where applicable) are aware of our involvement in the use of animals in research or teaching.
  • Be prepared to respond to all reasonable enquiries and if there are partnerships with non-signatory organisations or issues of confidentiality or commercial sensitivity, we will be as open as possible while respecting these constraints.

Commitment 2. We will enhance our communications with the media and the public about our use of animals in research or teaching.

In working towards this Commitment, we will:

  • Provide a publicly available statement with information about our involvement in the use of animals in research or teaching. The statement will be unique to our organisation, easily accessible on our website, and available within 12 months of becoming a Signatory or Supporter.
  • Include information about our use of animals in research or teaching in communications and media releases when it has played a significant role in an aspect of our work. Where appropriate, this may also include images or video.
  • Support discussion of our use of animals in research or teaching with the media and the local or broader communities.
  • Provide a point of contact for information about our use of animals in research or teaching.

Commitment 3. We will be proactive in providing opportunities for the public to find out about research or teaching involving animals.

In working towards this Commitment, we will:

  • Consider ways to facilitate public engagement and understanding around the use of animals in research or teaching.
  • Include, where relevant, information about the role of animals in research or teaching when participating in talks or public events.
  • Contribute to efforts to provide more comprehensive explanations and ensure the accuracy of information regarding the use of animals in research or teaching.

Commitment 4. We will report annually on our efforts to improve openness in our use of animals in research or teaching.

In working towards this Commitment:

  • We will provide an annual summary to ANZCCART each year highlighting our efforts to meet each of these Commitments and any new initiatives aimed at greater openness.
  • We understand that ANZCCART will publish an annual update on progress in openness and no more than three years after its publication, ANZCCART will review the Openness Agreement and its impact in consultation with stakeholders and amend it if necessary.