Progress milestones

What is a Progress Milestone?

Flow chart describes progress milestone process

During your time as a graduate researcher, there will be set points in candidature where you meet with your Progress Committee to assess your research progress. These moments are known as Progress Milestones.

There are two milestones for Master’s by research degrees (Confirmation and Pre-Submission Review), while for doctoral degrees there is also a Mid-Candidature Review. Learn more about milestones during your degree, and what is required.

Benefits of Progress Milestones

Progress Milestones are powerful tools to help shape your research plan. They can help you

  • set achievable goals throughout your candidature
  • identify achievements against recommendations from a previous milestone
  • be clear on your research integrity and compliance requirements.

At a Milestone, you will meet with your Progress Committee to formally assess your research progress in a milestone meeting. These meetings will help you to

  • get feedback on your research progress
  • ensure that you are on the right track to success
  • discuss appropriate support early if you are experiencing difficulties.

After a milestone meeting, your Progress Committee complete will assess whether your progress is ‘satisfactory’ or ‘at risk’.

If your project is at risk, you and your Progress Committee will determine what support you will need to get your research back on track and have a second attempt at completing the milestone.

Find out more about milestone meetings and what happens if your research progress being at risk.

When do milestones occur?

When your milestones are due depends on your degree and on your individual trajectory. You can access the relevant information related to milestone meetings in MyOverview at any time. Log in via our MyOverview login page.

Three months before your milestone is due, you will receive a reminder email containing a link to your Progress Report form. You will need to outline your research progress to date in your Progress Report and arrange a time to meet with your Progress Committee.

You are able to postpone milestones under certain conditions.

To find out more about what happens during a milestone meeting, please refer to our section on milestone meetings.

Your Expected Work Submission Date (EWSD) and Maximum Completion Date (MCD)

Your Expected Work Submission Date (EWSD) is the date by which your thesis must be submitted. Your maximum completion date typically corresponds with your maximum period of funded candidature and it is the date that your EWSD may be extended to, such as following any postponement to your milestones.

As part of your induction, you and your supervisor will design a research plan that makes submitting your thesis by the Expected Work Submission Date an achievable goal.

If you fail to submit your work by the Maximum Completion Date, your candidature will be lapsed.

Make sure to meet regularly with your supervisor and your Progress Committee to ensure that you have all the support you need to complete your degree on time.