Support between milestones

Between milestones, you and your supervisors should meet on a regular basis. This will give you an opportunity to receive feedback from your supervisor, be guided on your research progress, and address problems quickly.

You, your supervisor, or your Graduate Research Coordinator can also contact the GRS to request an ad-hoc progress committee meeting at any time to review your progress.

An ad hoc meeting of your Progress Committee can determine that your progress is either satisfactory or at-risk . If your project is at-risk you will then need to discuss and agree a Progress Support Plan with your Progress Committee to get your research back on track.

Dealing with slow progress

Research doesn’t always go to plan. If you experience difficulties, seek help early and speak to your supervisor or Progress Committee. The university also offers other services that can help, including

If you are an international student, make sure to get in touch with La Trobe International to discuss your situation.

If illness, carer or other responsibilities have prevented you from working on your research, you should consider a leave of absence or other variations to candidature. If you take leave of change from full-time to part-time candidature, your milestone due dates, expected work submission date and maximum completion date will be adjusted accordingly without needing to apply separately to postpone.