Previous 3MT® finals at La Trobe
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2023 3MT University Championship
The 2023 La Trobe 3MT Championship was held on 1 September. The winner (and People’s Choice winner) was La Trobe Rural Health School PhD candidate Nesa Aurlene Jayadhas with her presentation 'Developing a behaviour change intervention to promote oral health among older people living in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) in rural Victoria'. Nesa went on to represent La Trobe at the 2023 Asia-Pacific 3MT Finals.
The 2023 runner-up was PhD candidate Brandon Victor from the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Science with his presentation 'Detecting and describing plants from space with Satellite Images and Artificial Intelligence.'
Presentations by previous La Trobe 3MT finalists, can be viewed at:
2020 Competition
2020 Competition
The 2020 competition, held on Wednesday 9 September, was won by School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport PhD candidate Sam Harvey with their presentation 'Personalising treatment to optimise aphasia recovery'. Sam went on to represent La Trobe at the 2020 Asia-Pacific 3MT Finals.
The 2020 runner-up and People’s Choice winner was School of Education PhD candidate Stevie Browne, 'Do ask, do tell: A narrative study of teachers’ lived experiences of childhood adversity.'
2020 La Trobe University 3MT University Championship finalists:
- Beth Radulski, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Autism and the Neurodiversity Movement
- Bijaya Pokharel, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Culturally Competent Domestic Violence Care: A Wheel of Hope
- Coralie Boulet, School of Life Sciences, Targeting our own cells to treat malaria
- David Lowden, La Trobe Business School, Why are there no openly gay male players in the AFL?
- Donovan Garcia Ceron, School of Molecular Sciences, How fungi spit on plants
- Ian Smith, La Trobe Law School, Can stories change laws?
- Sam Harvey, School of Allied Health, Human Services and Sport, Personalising treatment to optimise aphasia recovery
- Stevie Browne, School of Education, Do ask, do tell: A narrative study of teachers’ lived experiences of childhood adversity
- Vivian Tran, School of Life Sciences, Taking on the weight of the world
- Wenjing Yu, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Want to date archaeological remains? Try taking a bath!
2019 Competition
2019 Competition
The 2019 competition, held on Thursday the 12th of September, was won by Law School PhD candidate Nicole Shackleton with her presentation ‘“Don’t be so Sensitive” - the harms of gendered hate speech’. Nicole went on to represent La Trobe at the 2019 Asia-Pacific 3MT Finals in Queensland.
The 2019 runner-up was Life Sciences candidate Ebony Monson (‘the future of antiviral therapies’) and the People’s Choice winner was LIMS candidate Ruqaya Maliki (‘Nanoparticles gravitating towards the black hole of Cancer’).
Their presentations, together with all of the University Championship finalists, can be viewed below:
- Aimé Sacrez, School of Education, ‘Putting the Arts in STEM’
- Ebony Monson, School of Life Sciences, ‘The future of antiviral therapies’
- Nicole Shackleton, La Trobe Law School, ‘“Don’t be so Sensitive” - the harms of gendered hate speech’
- Piyumini Wijenayake, La Trobe Business School, ‘How About an Artificial Hug?’
- Ruqaya Maliki, La Trobe Institute of Molecular Sciences, ‘Nanoparticles gravitating towards the black hole of Cancer’
- Sarah Knowler, School of Life Sciences, ‘Microbiota: Trench Warfare’
- Tongda Li, Centre For Agri-Bio Science, ‘Casting superheros from the pasture ryegrass microbiome’
2018 Competition
2018 Competition
The 2018 Championship was won by History candidate Douglas Pretsell, for his presentation ‘The Identity Revolution’.
The runner up and peoples’ choice winner was Life Sciences candidate Alicia Dimovsky, for her presentation ‘The Dark Side of Night Lighting’.
Their presentations, together with those of all of the other finalists, can be viewed below:
- Douglas Pretsell, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 'The identity revolution'
- Alicia Dimovski, School of Life Sciences, 'The dark side of night lighting'
- Gabriela Constanza Martinez Ortiz, School of Molecular Sciences, 'Jaws of hope'
- Piyumini Wijenayake, La Trobe Business School, 'Care for an artificial hug?'
- Mariah Alorro, School of Cancer Medicine, 'Symphony Stat No.3: Silencing the song of death'
- Thuy Thi Duong, School of Education, 'It takes more than language'
2017 Competition
2017 Competition
The 2017 La Trobe 3MT championship was won by Law PhD candidate Perl Guarneros-Sanchez, and the runner-up was Natasha Brockwell (LIMS) The peoples’ choice award went to Vaheesan Rajabal (Life Sciences).
Their presentations, together with those of all of the other finalists, can be viewed below:
- Perla Guarneros Sanchez,La Trobe Law School, 'We all have human rights'
- Sidrah McCarthy, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 'Culture today in Aboriginal Victoria'
- Hadeel Amdelhameed, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 'Rescue the Iraqi Culture'
- Natasha Brockwell, School of Molecular Sciences, 'Changing the game on cancer'
- Vaheesan Rajabal, School of Life Sciences, 'Unravelling the secrets of superbugs'
- Mariah Alorro, School of Cancer Medicine, 'Is STAT3 the key to killing gastric cancer?'