Family therapy

We offer family therapy services to Victorian families seeking support for their well-being and relationships at no cost.

The Bouverie Centre is a state-wide provider of family therapy services, funded by the Victorian Department of Health. We are also a practice-research-translation centre of La Trobe University, committed to integrating research across all our services, including our family therapy services, academic teaching, and workforce training.

What we offer

Families can access two levels of family therapy services. In summary they are:

  1. Walk-In Together: This is a unique service, giving your family a once-off Family Therapy session via Telehealth, with a small team of our family therapists. It cuts out lengthy assessments and waitlists. For many families, this timely assistance is enough to help them improve their situation.
  2. Multi-Session Family Therapy: This service, via telehealth and/or in person, is for families who want or need more intensive support over a longer period of time. It is offered either by
    • A Bouverie Centre Therapist OR
    • A Family Therapy Team, comprising mental health professionals undertaking advanced study in Family Therapy, led by a Senior Bouverie Family Therapist.


Our service is funded by the Victorian Department of Health and provided at no cost to families who meet our eligibility requirements and who agree to our Terms of Service.

Who do we see

We see Victorian families seeking support for their well-being and relationships, in light of challenges related to a member’s mental health condition, or alcohol and other drug problem, and/or past trauma or abuse. We provide specialist family therapy services for First Nations and LGBTIQA+ families who are eligible for our service.

Some limits and practicalities

  • We are a tertiary service which means family members have sought help from another mental health or primary care service before us.
  • We cannot offer individual therapy, couples therapy or services when there are active or pending Family Court proceedings, or the implementation of Parenting Orders (Consent or Court).
  • We cannot offer a family therapy service in situations of serious current family violence.
  • For families not eligible for our service we can provide alternative suggestions to an appropriate service/practitioner.
  • We offer sessions during business hours, Monday to Friday.
  • Before we schedule an appointment, at least 2 family members need to agree to attend sessions together.

We have provided some suggestions and links below to some services who can help with the areas we can't help your family with.

  • Arbias (03) 8388 1222
  • Brain Injury Matters (03) 9639 7222
  • Carer Gateway 1800 422 737
  • EACH 1300 003 224
  • GP Mental Health Care Plan (with accredited psychologists and social workers in private practice)
  • Your local community health centre

Courts will generally refer you to consultants who will assess and write a report. You can also access private practitioners who specialise in writing court reports here:

If you are interested in accessing our services, please read our Terms of Service and if Bouverie seems like the right service for your family, please call reception on (03) 8481 4800 to arrange a consultation with our Intake staff or to book in for a Walk-In Together session.

Walk-In Together Family Therapy

Walk-In Together Family Therapy

Single family therapy sessions, offered online via Zoom on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.

Multi-Session Family Therapy

Multi-Session Family Therapy

Ongoing family therapy sessions with Bouverie clinicians, offered in person or online.