Mathematics, Statistics & Modelling

Mathematical theory combined with statistical analysis opens a gateway for opportunities to solve issues and challenges across many industries

Our team led by Professor Marcel Jackson combine their expertise in pure and applied mathematics to analyse statistics and help decode layers of complex data. Our specialisations include optimising mathematical models, data science analysis and abstract problem-solving strategies.

We had the opportunity to share our expertise with the Australian Government to help provide accurate predictions for the pandemic modelling efforts. Our team were central contributors to the program alongside the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group on COVID-19.

We also bring infectious disease modelling experience to important human health and wellbeing research. Our biostatisticians help with finding new ways to improve the quality of life for many groups of people including cancer rehabilitation and children with disabilities.

One of the core foundations of our research stems from our strong partnership with Kyushu University. La Trobe University currently hosts the Australian Branch of the Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI) allowing mathematical experts to collaborate on joint projects that transcends mathematical issues today.

We are also a founding member of the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI). This gives our team access to resources for workshop funding and expanding student educational opportunities in mathematics.


Lead researcher - Dr Rebecca Chisholm

About - COVID-19 brought drastic changes to everyday life. Federal and state governments were constantly searching for ways to stay ahead of the virus and maintain public safety.

Our team brought our mathematical and statistical expertise to help the Australian Government produce infectious disease models for predicting the spread of the virus. This helped inform the Government’s pandemic response plans and policies.

We also worked alongside the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Group on COVID-19 to analyse and share the information generated by our models. This project was made possible through our partnership with the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity.

Partner - Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity

Lead researcher – Dr Mumatz Hussain

About – There are a number of long-standing mathematical problems waiting to be solved. Our team plans to develop new powerful theoretical techniques with the hopes of reaching a solution.

Our approach consists of using existing methods in analytical number theory and dynamical systems in situations they have previously not been used before.

We are aiming to successfully apply our techniques into new applications to reach solutions that can reach other areas of theoretical mathematics such as geometric measure theory, geometric probability and stochastic geometry.

Partners - Australian Research Centre ARC – Discovery Projects (2020-2022) and University of York, UK

Lead researcher Associate Prof Yuri Nikolayevsky

About – Our team will focus on using newly developed mathematical methods to produce advanced models that can be applied to a range of real-world areas such as physics, engineering, nature and economics.

We will explore the scope of complex differential equations. These are used to display an accurate qualitative picture of any specified data. Our team will analyse integrable systems, helping to create a model that focuses on particular data sets, in conjunction with differential equations.

Our aim is to develop new and deep mathematical and physical results that can expand the application of mathematical models to an even wider-range of industries including health, business and data analytics.

Partners - Australian Research Centre ARC – Discovery Projects (2021-2023), University of Sydney and Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Lead researcher Associate Prof Andriy Olenko

About – Our team will combine our expertise in theoretical and applied mathematics to address important problems for a mathematical probability method called stochastic processes used to accurately measure the change of an object over time.

We are hoping to achieve several outcomes from our project including finding a way to use nonlinear statistics to transform raw data and create new tools to analyse a range of information from areas such as cosmology and embryology.

Our project will also result in introducing new ways to optimise the process of developing models and examining high-resolution data sets.

PartnersAustralian Research Centre ARC – Discovery Projects, Cardiff University, UK and University of Lille

Our researchers

Professor Marcel Jackson – Associate Dean of Research and Industry Engagement in the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

Dr Rebecca Chisholm – Senior Lecturer in Mathematics & Statistics

Dr Mumtaz Hussain – Senior Lecturer in Mathematics & Statistics

Dr Deborah Jackson – Coordinator of Maths Hub

Associate Professor Paul Kabila – Associate Professor in Statistics

Associate Professor Joel Miller – Associate Professor in Mathematics & Statistics

Associate Professor Yuri Nikolayevsky – Associate Professor in Mathematics & Statistics

Associate Professor Andriy Olenko – Associate Professor in Statistics

Dr Michael Payne – Lecturer in Mathematics

Professor Luke Prendergast – Deputy Dean-Associate Dean of Domestic Partnerships for the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

Dr Dimitri Triadis – Adjunct Research Fellow in Mathematics & Statistics

Dr Peter Van Der Kamp – Senior Lecturer in Mathematics & Statistics

Mr Erik van Vulpen – Deputy Director of the Centre for Technology Infusion

Dr Prakash Veeraraghavan – Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

Dr Toen Castle – Lecturer in Mathematics & Statistics

Dr Kayes Kayes – Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Information Technology

Contact us

We are a team of experts who collectively share our theoretical and applied mathematical expertise to explore the endless number of solutions hiding within existing equations. Our work has helped many experts across a wide range of industries including economics, data science and health.

If you are interested in working with us, contact Professor Marcel Jackson via email or call +61 3 9479 1570 for more information.