About The Grand Challenge

The Technology Infusion Grand Challenge (TIGC) sets out to empower students to leverage new technologies and solve today's pressing problems.

We are looking for students who have the insight, drive and tech ability to bring their innovations to life.

This competition is a collaboration of La Trobe’s Centre for Technology Infusion, La Trobe Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, & La Trobe Business School who will work hand in hand to provide guidance, and – for the winning team – a two week all-expenses* paid mentorship stay in Melbourne.

TIGC is a unique opportunity to be a part of a genuine two-way collaboration between student teams and a group of leading academic mentors and industry experts.

Mentors and experts work with students to develop and refine their ideas towards a commercial proposition with the aim of producing a solution for the larger market in the future. Students will learn as they share their experiences of success and failure and how they managed to develop a solid commercial product or service.

By participating in these competitions, students will be working across cultures, and have to access different perspectives and ideas through the mentoring and support that is offered as part of the program.

Developing strong relationships with peers and mentors is a key aspect for the students as they work to understand and identify a problem, think of a possible solution, refine and develop a prototype and bring their ideas to life.

The program introduces the process of commercialising a product and will give participants access to new networks that can support their ideas in the future.

2024 Theme Smart City Innovation

No region in the world is urbanising faster than Asia and Asian cities have their own unique challenges, which are different from European cities.

With urban growth comes the challenges of economic growth, sustainability, efficiency and liveability. We are inviting students to use technology to help solve their own city’s challenges.

The competition is open to students undertaking their undergraduate studies in an Asian country.

How does the competition work?

Students in their final two years of undergraduate studies in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and/or Business need to form teams of three to five people and submit their high-level concept or area of interest to their lecturer and upload it here.

During the semester, students work to validate and refine their concept. Online material will be available from the La Trobe Innovation and Entrepreneurship program and La Trobe Business School to help guide students.

In Phase One, participants must upload a video which presents their concept and design. These videos will be assessed and the top selected teams will be given an investment of up to $1000 AUD to develop the prototype.

In Phase Two, the teams who receive an investment along with other teams build and test their prototypes. Towards the end of the semester teams upload a video presenting their working prototype and the winner will be decided by popular vote and TIGC’s panel of judges.

At the end of the year, teams will present their working prototype before an international jury at a virtual showcase event.

Our 2020-21 winners during their visit in Melbourne - Watch video

Enter Now

Entries have closed for 2024.