
Each year training workshops will be developed in collaboration with the Graduate Research School’s RED team program. Training will include experimental design, quantitative methods and statistical analysis.

Please check the RED program for other courses.

2024 Sessions

DateSession titleCampusBooking

Statistical Analysis Using SPSS

A one hour introductory tutorial which guides users through the basics of SPSS.

OnlineAccess here

June 24 & 25

Intermediate Statistics with R: Regression Analysis

The thrilling sequel to the extremely popular 'Basic Statistics with R' takes statistics to the next level! Amanda shakes it up in this two-day workshop introducing various types of regression models in a non-technical way and demonstrates their practical application in R. The workshop will provide plenty of opportunities to gain hands-on experience and access support from our expert statisticians.

Bundoora and OnlineFurther information & book here

June 26

Sample Size Calculation Workshop
Using free software for sample size and statistical power calculations

G*Power is a free statistical software package for power and sample size analysis. It offers point-and-click functionality and covers a wide variety of statistical tests.

The workshop includes concepts of statistical power and relevant statistical tests presented in a non-technical way. Designed to be hands-on, the workshop focuses on the practical application of statistical methods.

Bundoora and OnlineFurther information & book here
 Visit the Digital Research training and events page for more workshops Here

Introduction to SQL, Crash Course

This workshop is a gentle, fast paced introduction to SQL. Our objective is to build a strong foundation and intuition, with an emphasis on retrieving and transforming data without making mistakes or suffering immensely.  SQL skills are in very high demand, as a core skill for data scientists. Learning SQL will also help you think logically about the structure of data sets.

The workshop is suitable for beginners, with no prior programming experience. However, for those with a thirst for adrenaline, parts of it will prove challenging, even for experienced non-SQL programmers.