Statistics Consultancy Platform

Improving research quality and impact through expert statistical advice

We provide statistical advice, services and training related to research methods, experimental design and data analysis. We work with business, industry, government and academic researchers across all disciplines.

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Range of services

  • statistical analysis of data
  • grant development and review
  • guidance on writing statistical support into grant applications – refer to the guidance document (La Trobe login required)
  • designing a study, survey or questionnaire, including sample size calculation
  • advice on data collection methods
  • training in a particular areas of statistics
  • advice on how to model statistical data
  • help with communicating statistical findings
  • data analysis and visualisation using specialist statistical software packages (e.g., R, STATA, SPSS, G*Power).

  • partner with researchers as a Chief Investigator (CI) on grant applications and co-author papers
  • run regular short courses and workshops on statistical topics
  • provide limited free support to La Trobe HDR students (Refer to ‘Access our services’ section for more information).

About the Statistics Consultancy Platform

Our team

Our team

We are a team of experienced statisticians with extensive consultancy, research and teaching backgrounds.

Learn about our staff

Training and workshops

Training and workshops

We offer a range of dedicated short courses and workshops in statistics, from beginner to advanced levels.

Upcoming workshops



We have compiled a library of resources covering a wide range of statistical topics.

View resources

Access our services

PhD and Masters by Research students enrolled through La Trobe can receive up to 5 hours free support during their candidature, thereafter subsidised access is available and pricing can be found on the application form.

Students must submit a completed application form, along with their supervisor endorsement, to the Statistics Consultancy Platform to access this service. Once approved, our statistician will reach out to discuss your needs.

Download Application Form (La Trobe Login Required)

1. Grant development and review

La Trobe staff receive up to 5 hour free advice on study design in the project planning stages, support on grant applications and review of draft protocols. Support beyond 5 hours is charged at a subsidised rate.

*We strongly encourage researchers include statistics support as a budget line item in their grant applications. For guidance on how to write statistical support into grant applications, please contact us.

2. Project work

While free support is not available for project work, we provide services and advice to La Trobe staff and students at a subsidised hourly rate. Internal pricing can be found on the application form.

All La Trobe staff and students are required to submit an application (La Trobe login required) and attach relevant information to access our services. All applications should be submitted to Our statisticians will reach out to discuss your needs once we assess the application.

Download Application Form (La Trobe Login Required)

We provide statistical consulting and data analysis services to businesses and external researchers at an hourly rate. Our statistician will meet with you to discuss your needs and provide a quote based on the estimated time required for the project. Please submit the enquiry form to

Download Application Form (For External Users)

We offer a range of statistical training programs, from beginner to advanced level, for all researchers throughout the year (usually in June and October/November). Check out our training page for upcoming workshops.

Get in touch

For more information, email: Statistics Consultancy Platform: or call: (61) 03 9479 3689.


Our bi-annual newsletters provide our subscribers with the latest training programs, news and updates within the platform. Subscribe to our mailing list to receive the newsletter.

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