Quality Policy

Quality is an integral part of our research platform's purpose and value. We are committed to providing our customers, industry partners and academic collaborators with services and products that are of high quality, consistent and compliant.

Our platforms strive to be recognised and trusted by researchers as an excellent research service provider that constantly meet or exceed customer expectations. To achieve this, we have implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) across Research Platforms that operates on all our campuses.

Our QMS is aligned to the AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016 standard and the University’s Research 2030: Research and Engagement Plan 2020-2024. In alignment with the ISO standard, efforts are focused on understanding customer needs and ensuring their satisfaction, as well as continuously improving service provision in the pursuit of research excellence. The services provided by Research Platforms are also underpinned by our cultural qualities: to be connected, innovative, accountable and caring.

The Research Platforms quality policy embraces the following key principles:

  • Building a mutually beneficial relationship with customers, ensuring their long-term success through the understanding of, and meeting, their needs.
  • Nurturing a quality mindset with the objective of providing services that are trusted and preferred by internal and external researchers and deliver on our Research Plan Objective 1: Research Excellence.
  • Complying with all relevant laws and regulations as well as internal policies and requirements.
  • Continuously challenging all Research Platforms to improve the QMS to prevent quality incidents, eliminate errors, accelerate research, and ensure high quality data through efficient business processes, best-practice and well-defined goals.
  • Encouraging involvement in quality responsibilities amongst all Research Platform personnel, researchers and relevant third parties through quality standards, education, training and mentoring, supervision and effective internal and external communication.

Our platforms are currently seeking to achieve ISO9001 accreditation as part of their commitment to their customers. Work to obtain verification by independent third-party certification bodies is ongoing.