Gait Lab

One of the key features of the laboratory is the Vicon motion analysis system for kinematic (motion) and kinetic (force) evaluation.

Capabilities and Equipment

EquipmentUse (examples)
 Neurocom Balance Master
Long force plate device for measuring balance when standing bipedally, unipedally and when performing functional tasks such as rising from a chair
* Falls risk assessment in older people
* Assessing risk factors for injury (eg: ankle sprain, ACL rupture)
* Assessing of the effects of interventions on balance (eg: footwear, foot orthoses, exercise)
GaitRite mat
Electronic "carpet" that records footstep data when walking – step length and width, timing, variability
* Falls risk assessment in older people
* Assessing of the effects of interventions on gait patterns (eg: footwear, foot orthoses, exercise, surgery)
Vicon motion analysis system
State-of-the-art 3D motion analysis system for kinematic (motion) and kinetic (force) evaluation. Used in conjunction with embedded force plates (currently used by Melbourne City)
 * Assessing joint movement patterns when standing, walking and performing functional tasks
* Assessing risk factors for injury (eg: ankle sprain, ACL rupture)
* Assessing the effects of foot posture on lower limb movement
* Assessing of the effects of interventions on balance (eg: footwear, foot orthoses, exercise)

Electromyography system
Measures muscle activity by either surface electrodes or indwelling (needle) electrodes into muscle. Often used in conjunction with Vicon motion analysis system.

Understanding the characteristics of muscle function when performing functional tasks. Has been used to explore shoulder function in people with rotator cuff disorders, and leg muscle function in people with flat feet.
Humac isokinetic dynamometer
Measures muscle strength
 * Assessment of muscle strength before and after exercise / surgery
* Prediction of readiness to return to sport following injury
* Assessing the effects of muscle fatigue

Emed plantar pressure system
State-of-the-art platform-based plantar pressure measurement system for assessing loading under the foot when walking

Assessing the role of foot pressure in development of foot disorders such as diabetic ulceration
MatScan plantar pressure system
As above, but portable, lower cost system
As above

Pedar in-shoe plantar pressure system
State-of-the-art in-shoe plantar pressure measurement system for assessing loading under the foot when walking

As above, in addition to assessing the effects of insoles placed within the shoe


Health Sciences 3


Meg Morris

Tel: 9479 6080


Gait Lab video

In this video Associate Professor Hylton Menz of the Musculoskeletal Research Centre explains the working of the Gait Laboratory.