Computer Servers

Information Services provide support to researchers for all computer server queries.

IS provides support for virtual machines, cloud computing, server hosting, machines attached to research instruments, and advanced applications. Please review the information below, about each of these supported capabilities, before raising a request for support.

A Virtual Machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine which executes programs just like a physical machine. Each virtual machine is a fully simulated computer which can have its own operating system and software running. Usually, a single powerful physical server runs several VMs at a time, distributing the workload onto its physical CPUs and memory as needed.

We provide VMs to researchers who want to operate their own software and hardware from a secure, centrally managed data centre.

Cloud computing refers to the storing and accessing of data and programs over the Internet, instead of on your computer’s hard drive. This includes starting, accessing, and using VMs over the internet. The main advantages of cloud computing are that it allows scalability (many cloud computers can be started and applied to a problem as needed), and it improves collaboration as many users can access the same data and run applications from anywhere.

Some common cases for using cloud computing are:

  • Simulations and modelling
  • Running websites, web applications, and databases
  • Online collaboration
  • Complex analysis requiring more compute power than a local workstation can provide
  • Working with very large data sets (combined with large scale storage on a high throughput connection)


The National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources project (Nectar) is a self-service system that allows Australian based researchers to start small-medium VMs for testing purposes at any time under a personal trial project.

After the trial period, users can request access to larger VMs and more time through an online form on the Nectar website.

Alternatively, La Trobe has a reserved allocation on NeCTAR that can be accessed via Intersect Australia Ltd, our partner organisation.

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We provide a secure, stable, and recoverable environment where research servers can be physically or virtually hosted. This reduces the risk of interrupting long processing jobs, hardware failure, data loss or virus infection. The main benefits to researchers are:

  • Physical hardware is no longer required to be held in Researcher office or lab
  • Regular server patching by IT Services
  • Backups are regular and automated
  • Data is secure and recoverable

Also, the ongoing maintenance, patching, and support of the server is done by Information Technology professionals within our data centre.

We support the non-standard requirements of researchers, particularly for instrument control in laboratories and hardware platforms that are not part of the Managed Operating Environment (MOE).

This includes the support and administration of servers, e.g. 64-bit desktops and mobile computing, that are not normally handled by Client Services. It also covers the setup and support for hardware interfaces between computers and equipment such as Microscopes, X-Rays, Chromoscopes, etc.

In most cases, software can be installed by a researcher from the Software Centre application installed on their desktop or laptop. For other specialist software and tools, the licensing and installation can be managed by Unix Support.

Common examples include software for:

  • scientific visualisation
  • modelling
  • rendering
  • animation
  • graphics programming
  • image manipulation
  • statistical packages

Submit a support request to discuss your non-standard software requirements.