La Trobe proves a popular choice with students

La Trobe University has once again proved to be a popular choice for students right across the State, recording a 5 per cent increase in first preference applications from VTAC applicants.

More than 1300 hard-working students, many who’ve endured the challenges of a COVID interrupted education, will receive offers from La Trobe University today as part of the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre January offer round.

This brings the total offers from La Trobe University – including November and December rounds – to 6,602.

La Trobe University Interim Vice-Chancellor Professor Susan Dodds congratulated all students commencing this year and said that in addition to the VTAC offers, La Trobe has made thousands of offers to direct applicants and those wishing to return to study, undertake a degree as a mature age student or re-train in a new discipline.

“This is a very exciting time for these students and their families. We are delighted to see that along with degree programs, students are also opting for diplomas and graduate certificates which are providing pathways into new and exciting careers for people at all stages of life.

“We are looking forward to welcoming students across all of our campuses. It is particularly pleasing to see the vibrant return to campus life after the challenges of the Covid years,” Professor Dodds said.

Notably, La Trobe University has seen strong interest in students choosing La Trobe’s regional campuses for their studies.

Head of Campus, Shepparton, Ms Elizabeth Capp welcomed this news and said many of these skilled graduates will stay in the regions and contribute to their local communities, particularly in areas such as health and education.

“La Trobe has a proud reputation of ensuring better equity and access to higher education and works closely with regional communities to pro-actively address critical workforce needs and undertake vital research,” Elizabeth Capp said.

As part of La Trobe offers to students via VTAC in the November to January period:

  • The largest number of offers made were in nursing, health sciences, business, arts, and sport and exercise science. Other popular courses this year include psychological science, biomedicine, education and science.
  • Diploma and associate degree courses including teacher education, arts, health sciences, business and information technology have once again proven popular.
  • Amongst school leavers, La Trobe continues to be the most popular institution of choice for dentistry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech pathology.

The University continues to offer a wide range of pathways and entry programs into its courses. The Aspire program allows applicants to be rewarded for their community involvement and academic achievement with an early conditional offer to their chosen La Trobe degree.

Several courses are still available for application. To find out more, contact La Trobe.

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Sue Smethurst -, 0418 643 520