State funding support welcomed

La Trobe University has welcomed the Victorian government’s announcement today of significant new partnership with Victorian universities.

Vice-Chancellor Professor John Dewar AO said the partnership – which includes a $350 million Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund - would support innovation and create jobs across the state. The Fund will support capital works, applied research and research partnerships, all of which will support the post COVID-19 recovery.

“I am deeply grateful to the Victorian government for acknowledging the pivotal role universities play in assisting economic recovery; in educating and re-skilling the workforce and in conducting life-changing research for which we are globally recognised,” Professor Dewar said.

“By focusing on investment in strategic research, the funding will help fill at least some of the significant funding gap caused by a substantial drop in international student revenue.

“Funding for capital projects and research infrastructure will in turn lead to industry and innovation partnerships, creating jobs and economic return on investment both in Melbourne and across regional Victoria.

Professor Dewar also applauded the Victorian government’s offer to universities of payroll tax deferrals.

“In addition to Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund - we welcome the payroll tax deferrals announced today which will assist our cash flow at this challenging time.”

Media Contact: Claire Bowers – - 9479 2315 / 0437 279 903