Focus on Mandeep Kaur

Who is Mandeep Kaur... a chemist? A teacher? A manager? A gardener? Mandeep Kaur is all four – and more. But above all, teaching is her passion.

Mandeep began at La Trobe University in the Chemistry Department, working as a tutor in 2010. It wasn’t long before her talents were recognised and Mandeep became a permanent member of the chemistry teaching staff, receiving a 2018 citation from the Australian Awards for University Teaching followed by a highly sought after HEA Fellowship in 2020.

‘Watching a student grow from secondary school to university and into the workforce or postgraduate study is incredibly rewarding,’ says Mandeep. Seeing students face a challenge and come out the other side with new skills and a fresh perspective makes her role particularly fulfilling.

As does the collaborative relationship with colleagues across other disciplines. Even when working through Melbourne’s lock-downs the lecturers come together over Zoom each week to bounce ideas off one another and workshop new ways to facilitate online learning.

‘That’s what makes teaching at La Trobe so special. The culture and camaraderie between colleagues,’ says Mandeep breaking into one of her trademark warm smiles. And as Victoria moves through yet another lock-down extension, Mandeep is confident that this team-work approach will ensure each student receives the best possible learning experience.

While Mandeep is passionate about teaching, it is not the only thing she draws pleasure from. Mandeep is a keen cook and gardener, with over 30 indoor plants (pictured above) and a bountiful backyard of blooms, applying her science skills to the growing of plants as well as the minds of students.

Learn more about studying science at La Trobe University.