Tips for managing exam stress

As the semester is finishing up, exams start to loom, and you might be starting to feel that exam stress build.

The trick is to start preparing and managing that feeling as early as possible – and we’ve got some extra tips to help you thrive this exam period:

  1. Start NOW (if you haven’t already) – if nothing else, put together a study schedule so you can see the opportunities you have to revise notes, do practice exams, or reflect on feedback from throughout the semester.
  2. Be aware of your physical health – challenge yourself to spend the next month or so prioritising physical health as best you can – reduce screen time not related to study, find ways to move your body each day, do your best to eat fruits and veggies where you can, reduce the use of alcohol and other drugs, and try to get a good nights’ sleep.
  3. Vary your study techniques – try different ways of approaching study, like rewriting notes from memory, doing practice exams or designing a lesson for your study group on a particular topic.
  4. Learn strategies to calm your nerves – deep breathing, positive self-talk, and progressive muscle relaxation can all help – spend some time practising them, especially if you think you’ll feel stressed out while you’re in the exam.
  5. Make time for fun – taking your mind off studying by meeting up with friends, calling your family, reading, or doing something creative can be enough to reset your mind. You might also like to plan something to look forward to for after exams to keep you motivated.
  6. Start thinking about conversations with your workplace early – What kind of time off or reduction of work hours do you need, and how will you approach your supervisor?
  7. Seek support – have you tried these things and still feel overwhelmed? Talk to someone who can help, or find resources online.

It’s normal to feel some level of stress when exams roll around, but it can feel more manageable if you can prepare and enact self-care.

For more study success, check out the MyLaTrobe Study Tips Archive.

Supports at La Trobe

La Trobe University has free and confidential wellbeing supports for all students. You can find out more and access support with Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion.


For study stress resources to read in your own time: