The Safe and Respected at La Trobe campaign

Content Note: The following article contains sensitive content, including themes of sexual harm. This may be distressing for some people. Visit Safer Community or Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion to seek support as needed.

Sexual harm is never okay.

Unfortunately, we know that sexual harm is prevalent in Australian universities. We also know that some students don’t know what sexual harm is – and don’t know where to report or seek support if they witness or experience it.  

The Safe and Respected at La Trobe campaign 

Starting Monday 24 February during Orientation and running for 5 weeks, La Trobe is running an awareness campaign – Safe and Respected at La Trobe – that aims to help prevent and respond to sexual harm.

You might see images across La Trobe campuses, with a range of key messages outlining what sexual harm is, that it is never ok, and how to seek help and support.

Let’s be really clear, what is sexual harm? 

Sexual harm is any behaviour of a sexual nature that is non-consensual, unwanted or unwelcomed. It makes someone feel offended, humiliated, frightened or threatened. Sexual harm can occur in person, online or via the use of technology.  

Staying Safe Online

Technology is an important part of our everyday lives, but it can also be used in harmful ways against others. Tech-facilitated abuse includes behaviours such as cyberstalking, non-consensual sharing of intimate images and online harassment and is a form of sexual harm. It’s important to understand that these actions can be just as damaging as crimes in person and have serious long-lasting effects.

As part of the Safe and Respected at La Trobe campaign, we want to highlight the importance of online safety. We understand that sexual harm can occur in both face-to-face and online spaces. We want you to know where to go for help and support, including the role of the eSafety Comissioner website for online safety support and reporting options.

Keep an eye out on the My La Trobe social media channels over the next 5 weeks to understand more about sexual harm and online safety.

Why have a campaign to address sexual harm? 

Firstly, if we raise awareness we hope to stop further instances of sexual harm.  Secondly, we want people affected by sexual harm to get the best possible support. No two experiences of sexual harm are the same. There are, however, common emotional and physical reactions to trauma, along with significant challenges that can make it hard to seek help. The Safe and Respected at La Trobe Campaign seeks to address these barriers so that people can access appropriate help sooner.

We want anyone who has experienced sexual harm to know that: 

  • It is not your fault. 
  • We believe you. 
  • You are not alone. 
  • We are here to help. 

Safer Community 

La Trobe’s Safer Community Service is a free and confidential support service for all La Trobe students and staff. If you witness or experience inappropriate, threatening or concerning behaviour, please visit the Safer Community website to contact the service. You can fill out the Report a concern form to contact Safer Community anonymously.

In an emergency call Triple Zero: 000 (0 000 on University phones) and if on campus also call Campus Security on 03 9479 2222 (x2222 from University phones)  

Get involved

For more information about this campaign, email the Respectful Communities team,

Supports at La Trobe 

  • If you require immediate assistance call 000 (0 000 on University phones) and if on campus also call Campus Security on 03 9479 2222 (x2222 from University phones).  
  • Connect with La Trobe’s Wellbeing Services, including Student Wellbeing Connect.
  • Out-of-hours mental health and wellbeing support can be accessed anytime 24 hours a day by calling 1300 146 307 or texting 0488 884 100.  

External supports

  • 1800 RESPECT: National sexual assault, domestic, family violence counselling service. Tel: 1800 737 732 
  • ESafety Commissioner: helps you report and deal with online abuse or illegal and restricted content.
  • CASACV: For Bendigo students, trauma-informed counselling, advocacy and support for students who have experienced sexual assault, either recently or in the past.
  • NCASA: 03 9496 2369, a sexual assault service located in Heidelberg. An NCASA counsellor also visits the Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus weekly and can be accessed through Health Wellbeing and Inclusion.
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line: Provide crisis response, support and advocacy for people who have experienced Sexual violence. After Hours Tel: 1800 806 292. 
  • Djirra:  Djirra is a place where culture is shared and celebrated, and where practical support is available to all Aboriginal women and particularly to Aboriginal people who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past.  Tel: 1800 105 3030 
  • Daisy app: Connecting women who are experiencing or have experienced sexual assault, and domestic and family violence to services in their state and the local area. 
  •  QLife: Counselling for LGBTIQ people, by LGBTIQ people. Tel: 1800 184 527 
  • Men’s Line: Free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support for men with concerns about mental health, anger management, family violence (using and experiencing), addiction, relationships, stress, and wellbeing. Tel: 1300 78 99 78