The importance of internships for your career: 11 reasons

The content of this article has been edited and was first published by our partners at ProspleFor all of the tips and tricks, read the full article.

Internships offer more than you can learn in a classroom. But if you are still on the fence about the importance of internships and it is normal to wonder whether they are right for you. 

Are they worth the extra effort? Should you be focusing on classes instead?

1. Gain exposure to the professional world

University teaches you a lot but it doesn’t replicate the day-to-day flow of a professional environment. With an internship, you get to experience what it is like to work in a real business environment.

You will see firsthand how businesses operate, how teams collaborate, and how decisions are made. It will help you translate theory into practice, and get a clearer picture of your future career.

2. Apply classroom knowledge

Textbooks are great but there is nothing quite like using your knowledge to solve real problems. Internship opportunities let you take what you have learned and apply it to actual projects. You will gain practical skills, from using industry-standard software to working effectively under deadlines. 

This practical internship experience strengthens your understanding of the field and makes your classroom knowledge more relevant to potential employers.

3. Develop professional skills

During an internship, you will work alongside professionals in your field. This is your chance to learn the skills, not from textbooks, but from experienced people who can show you the ins and outs of the job. 

Other than technical skills, you will develop transferable skills you can’t learn in a classroom, like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Employers look out for these skills and an internship is a great way to build them.

4. Build your resume

A resume with just coursework listed won’t make you stand out in the Australian job market. An internship program fills that gap. It shows employers you are proactive, take initiative, and are willing to learn and gain experience.  

Plus, during your internship, you will work on real projects. This can help you give concrete achievements to show on your resume

5. Network with professionals in your field

You will work alongside professionals in your field every day. This is your chance to get your name out and make a good impression. These connections can be incredibly valuable for your career growth.

They can write you a recommendation that makes your resume stand out. They might even mention you for open positions at their company or connect you with others in their network. When looking for a full-time job after graduation, having people in your network who know your skills and work ethic will give you a competitive edge.

6. Explore different career options within a field

If you are not 100% sure exactly what you want to do within your field. Internships are the best way to try things out and see what you like. You will gain real-world experience in different areas, letting you see what you enjoy and what you don’t. 

This can be a real eye-opener and help you refine your career goals. By graduation, you will have a much clearer picture of your perfect career path.

7. Test different career paths

You are working in marketing but wonder if finance might be a better fit. Maybe you find a hidden passion for analysing data or content creation that you didn’t know existed. This internship is your chance to explore. 

As an intern, you could be assigned tasks in different departments, from social media to budgeting. Different internships help you refine your career path and land a job you will love after graduation.

8. Potentially turn your internship into a full-time job

You are interning at a top Australian company. You impress everyone with your dedication and talent. You may become a valued team member by the end of it. Companies look to fill open positions with talented interns already familiar with their work culture and systems. 

Interns are 70% more likely to get a job at the same company. Shine during your internship and you might walk straight into a full-time job offer after graduation.

9. Learn from experienced mentors

There is nothing like learning from seasoned professionals. Internships connect you with experienced mentors in your field. These people have been there, done that, and have the knowledge to share.  

They will guide you through day-to-day tasks, answer your questions, and offer insights you won’t find in a classroom. They can guide you through real-world challenges and show you how to approach and solve them. This real-world mentorship is a catalyst for your career development and gives you a clearer view of your chosen field.

10. Increase job opportunities

Job hunting can be tough, especially with a fresh out-of-school resume. These placements let you showcase your skills and work ethic to potential employers. Companies love seeing graduates who take initiative and gain practical experience. 

This internship experience shows you are serious about your career. You develop in-demand skills – like data analysis, project management, or communication. These skills and experiential learning make you stand out from the crowd and a much stronger job candidate.

11. Earn academic credit

Many academic programs in Australia recognise internships as part of the curriculum. This means you can stay on track with your studies while gaining practical experience in your field. It also lets you maintain a balanced workload so you don’t fall behind in your coursework. 

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