Six reasons why you should apply for a 2024 access scholarship or bursary now!

Start 2024 with a financial boost!

Next year might seem like a long way away, but here are the top six reasons why you need to apply for a La Trobe access scholarship or bursary through VTAC now:

  1. Most bursaries are valued at least $1000 and most scholarships are worth at least $5000. Imagine how handy that financial support would be!               
  2. The clock is ticking – applications are open now and close on October 6.
  3. Applying for a scholarship or bursary is easy! Submit one application and if you are successful, we’ll match you with the most relevant award.
  4. Bursaries and scholarships are available to all eligible continuing undergrad students. They are also available to undergrad students who are graduating this year, but planning on post-grad/masters studies next year.
  5. If you are thinking of applying for a post-grad course, don’t wait to submit a bursary/scholarship application.  Apply now, and if you are successful, you will be contacted by the Scholarships team.
  6. Not sure if you are eligible? Apply anyway, you’ve got nothing to lose!

Remember, you should apply for your bursary of scholarship separately from any course application or Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) application.

Applications are now open and close on October 6, 2023. Apply now and don’t miss out!

Find out more: Applications for 2024 access scholarships and bursaries are now open

How to apply: How to apply for scholarships (