Reusable Revolution – getting rid of single-use items!

Did you know that an estimated 1.84 billion single-use cups are used by Australians every year?

La Trobe is working to combat single-use items through the Reusable Revolution crockery available at the majority of the cafes at our Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus.

This initiative gives everyone on campus the opportunity to avoid single-use items, without having to carry their own reusables around with them.

Requesting a reusable seems like a small gesture, but in 2023 we:

  • Diverted 60,262 single-use items from landfill
  • Diverted 1675 kg of total waste from landfill
  • Saved $26,367 in costs of single-use items

It would be great to increase those numbers for 2024!

All you have to do is:

  • Request reusable plates or cups when ordering from participating cafes
  • Return your reusable to one of the trolleys in the Agora

Let’s make single-use items a thing of the past and do our bit for this beautiful planet of ours!