Are you living on residence at the Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus and partial to the odd Friday night food delivery order, or maybe you use ride share vehicles to get out and about?
The process of picking up your food or waiting for your next ride will soon be made a lot smoother with the creation of new dedicated parking spaces for food delivery and ride share vehicles on the western side of Car Park 6 – no more trying to locate your driver or flagging them down!
The dedicated area will include:
- Three new parking spaces for ride share and food delivery vehicles
- A shelter for students to keep dry while waiting (utilising existing CCTV and lighting to keep the area safe)
- A gravel footpath to connect the shelter to the existing zebra crossing over College Drive and the pathway behind the LAS building
At the same time, some additional works will take place near the tennis courts. This includes extending the pedestrian pathway at the southern end of the tennis courts to provide a safer and improved connection to the existing gravel pathway that runs outside the Indoor Sports Centre.
The works are starting in October and will be completed by the end of the year and while underway, you may notice some temporary fencing around the work sites, pedestrian pathway diversions and the temporary closure of around six parking spaces in CP6.