At La Trobe, there are several reliable services to make a tricky assessment or study load feel much more manageable. Even if you’re not on campus, those services are still available – and you can access them from wherever you are right now.
Library Learning Services

Need help navigating your uni work? Who better to consult than a high-performing student or expert staff member.
There are a lot of different people trained to help you and they’re waiting online to assist:
- Academic Skills and Language Advisors and Librarians can be booked online
- PLAs (Peer Learning Advisors) provide Zoom drop-ins weekdays during semester, book online
- Library Staff offer daily Chat
- Maths Hub zoom sessions (Maths Hub LMS)
- Science Hub zoom sessions (SCIHUB LMS)
- Coding Hub zoom sessions (Coding Hub LMS)
For more study and assessment help, visit the Library Learning Services.

Is this the first you’re hearing about Studiosity.
Commit the name to memory immediately because Studiosity has the ability to take a weight off your shoulders at Un! To find it, simply click on the ‘Studiosity’ tile on any of your subject pages on LMS.
The on-demand online help service puts you in touch with experts who answer questions, provide feedback on writing and tips for your assignments.

The Library website provides access to ebooks, journal articles and many other resources online, any time through Library Search.
The Library staff can help you use their collection and their expertise. They’re on the phones, on online chat and over email.
They’ve got a regularly updated webpage with everything you need to know about their services. It’s got a handy breakdown of service availability hours.