Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic): Student protest and encampment on Melbourne (Bundoora) campus

This message was emailed to all students on 3 May 2024.

The University understands that a group of students will be exercising their right to protest, including by setting up an encampment that is expected to last for three days in the Agora at our Melbourne (Bundoora) campus from 10am on Tuesday 7 May.

Peaceful and respectful protest is fundamental to the University’s values and a core part of our history and is protected by the law and by our University policies, including the Model Code for the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom in Australian Higher Education Providers. It is important that our community can freely share views, ideas and opinions, and the University will work to ensure that this is facilitated in a safe and inclusive way.

Everyone has a right to be safe and to feel welcome on campus, and the safety of our staff, students and community is our priority. La Trobe does not tolerate any kind of racism, including antisemitism and Islamophobia. In accordance with the law and our policies, we will not accept:

  • Physical violence
  • Damage to property
  • Disruption of University activities and services, including lectures, classes and research
  • Unlawful behaviour or messages including those which are threatening or abusive
  • Racist behaviour or messages with content that is discriminatory, harassing, vilifying or victimising

Support, safety and security on campus

The protest may include large crowds of people. Regardless, our intent is for all University services to continue as normal.

To ensure safety for all, including those participating in the protest, our University security team will be present to make sure our students can safely exercise their right to protest. It is also important to be aware that Victoria Police may themselves choose independently of the University to attend campus at any time.

Accessing the Library

We will prioritise keeping the Library open and available for students to use and will work with protestors where possible to ensure we can keep this facility accessible. The Library will continue to remain open 24 hours with swipe card access after hours. From 8am-8pm there will also be an alternative door available on the eastern side of the Library (near Social Sciences) for students and staff who aren’t comfortable or able to enter or exit via the Agora. If you require this exit, please speak with the Library Security Guard who will be able to direct you.

Coming to campus

We recognise that some of our students and staff will not feel comfortable attending campus while protest activity is occurring. La Trobe will support any student who feels uncomfortable coming to campus during a protest to study from home for the duration of the encampment (Tuesday-Thursday).  If you have compulsory classes during this time, please contact your subject coordinator.

Support for your study and wellbeing

  •  Special Consideration will be prioritised for any student whose study was impacted by the on-campus protest activity. If you need to apply for Special Consideration, please speak with your subject coordinator after you have submitted your online application form so they are aware of your application and can discuss alternate arrangements.
  • The Student Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion team will provide free and confidential support to support any students who are distressed by the protest activity during the week or beyond. To access support, complete the online form.

Anyone who witnesses concerning behaviour on campus is encouraged to report the issue to Safer Community or Security.

I ask that all members of our community show care for one another at this time and treat others with dignity and respect.

Professor Jessica Vanderlelie
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)