Men’s Health Week 2024

International Men’s Health Week (10th-16th June) is a yearly event highlighting the importance of men’s mental & physical wellbeing and the preventable health issues among men and boys. 

This year is the 30th anniversary of Men’s Health Week and 2024 focuses on ‘checking in with our health’. Check out the Australian Men’s Health Foundation (AMHF) to find out more.

The AMF also has a great resource called Know Your Man Facts with fantastic toolkits to support physical and mental health. Check it out yourself or share it with some of the important men in your life.

Men’s Wellbeing at La Trobe

We’re committed to the unique health and wellbeing needs of the men of La Trobe. Our Men’s Health & Wellbeing service is designed to provide dedicated support, information, and opportunities for connection for men.  

Counselling tailored specifically for men

Our Men’s Health & Wellbeing service also provides counselling that is tailored specifically to guys interested in looking after their mental health, for men’s related issues or for guys that have a preference to see a male counsellor. We are also here for just a “check-in” – like a service for your car- on how you are travelling. Sessions are relaxed, confidential, and focused on you and what you want to achieve. The reasons for seeking counselling, and the support received, is as individual as the men we see.

For further information or to organise a counselling session check out our webpage.