La Trobe Psychology Clinic SLEAPI Group

La Trobe’s Psychology Clinic, together with the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre, at La Trobe University is conducting research on a sleep intervention (SLEAPI) for adults, including adults on the autism spectrum.

SLEAPI uses a combination of skills training, group discussion and exercises with others experiencing sleep difficulties.

You will explore:

  • What might have caused your sleep difficulties and what may be maintaining them.
  • Methods to break your sleep problem cycle, including the use of mindfulness.
  • How to deal with barriers you may struggle with when you try out new sleep strategies.
  • Normal adult sleep and its variations, your own sleep, your personal sleep goals, and helpful sleep habits you can use.

    You will be encouraged to try out these new skills at home to build a new sleep pattern in keeping with your sleep goals. You will receive self-help materials you can continue to use after the intervention.

    The SLEAPI intervention includes 5 x 2-hour sleep workshops run over 6 weeks and is provided at no cost. Express your interest in attending this group program using the QR code below or call the clinic on 9479 2150.

Event details

Time: 2.30 pm
Date: 21 April 2023 (six-week program)
Location: Online
Contact: Please call or email the clinic: 03 94792150 /