Know your rights and responsibilities at La Trobe

When you enrolled at La Trobe, you agreed to comply with the University’s legislation, policies and procedures. You agreed to certain responsibilities, and you also have rights.

The Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities outlines not only the behaviours expected of you at La Trobe but also your right to be treated free of harassment, bullying, discrimination and intimidation, face-to-face or online, by everyone.

Get to know the Charter, and how it relates to your learning environment, as well as behaviour and wellbeing while at uni.

Take a look at some key rights and responsibilities below: 

Your rights at La Trobe 

You have a right to: 

  • work and study in an environment free from discrimination and sexual harm
  • be respected and valued regardless of your personal characteristics, circumstances or background 
  • have opportunities to reach your full potential and participate in all aspects of University life 
  • Reasonable access to services that are responsive to your needs, including support services

Your responsibilities at La Trobe 

You have the responsibility to: 

  • treat your fellow students and colleagues with dignity and respect 
  • avoid any behaviour that may be unlawful or discriminatory 
  • avoid any behaviour that may offend, humiliate or cause harm to others 
  • support everyone’s full participation in all aspects of University life 

What is Respect?

Respectful Communities is a La Trobe initiative working to make uni a respectful, safe and inclusive learning and working environment for everyone.

Go to this article to learn more about what respect actually is, and how you can help to make La Trobe a respectful place.

Support while at Uni

Safer Community

Safer Community is La Trobe’s free, confidential support service you can contact if you experience or witness concerning, threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour. This behaviour can occur on-campus and off-campus, such as on public transport or at home.

Safer Community provides expert advice and information. They also offer you options and referrals to help resolve your concerns to keep you and others safe.

Visit the Safer Community website for more information and to report.

Student Complaints

The Student Complaints team can assist students who wish to lodge concerns about any aspect of their University experience. A student complaint may be about any aspect of University life, such as an administrative matter, a problem with a subject or course, or the conduct of a student or staff member.

You can submit a student complaint online.