Share your story: Help us create fairer workplaces for International Students

Are you an International Student juggling studies and part-time work in Australia?

We’re eager to learn about the experiences of international students working part-time in Australia. We encourage you to participate in this important survey and share your thoughts on how you have been treated at work.

This research, led by the Migrant Justice Institute, will allow us to better support you and future international students. Your answers will help researchers recommend improvements to Australian laws and policies, to ensure all students experience safe and fair working conditions.

You will also learn important information about your rights at work and where to get help if you experience any problems.

Why Your Voice Matters

We’re on a mission to make life better for international students like you. By sharing your experiences, you’ll help us uncover what’s working, what’s not, and how we can make things fairer and safer for everyone.

What’s in It for You?

  • Learn about your rights: Find out essential info about your workplace rights and where to get help if things go south.
  • Win big: Complete the survey and enter to win one of 50 x $200 Mastercard gift cards!
  • Make a difference: Your feedback will help shape better laws and policies to protect you and future students.

Quick and Confidential

The survey is totally anonymous and takes just 10-13 minutes. We value your time and opinions, and your responses will be kept completely confidential.

Ready to Share?

Take the Survey now!

Got Questions?

We’re here to help! Reach out to Associate Professors Bassina Farbenblum ( or Laurie Berg ( for more info.