How a La Trobe Access Scholarship helped Sarah succeed

Applications for 2025 La Trobe access scholarships and bursaries are now open and will close on Wednesday 11 October 2024. You can apply through VTAC. 

Image: Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery student, Sarah, and her family.

The La Trobe Access scholarships and bursaries support coursework students from all backgrounds, to ensure that they reach their full potential at university.

For Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery student, Sarah, this scholarship has supported her in balancing her studies, being a mother to five children and working part-time at the local hospital.

Growing up in rural Victoria with an ‘unconvential upbringing’, she had experienced many disruptions to her education.

I never completed high school and grew up with the impression that university was not something achievable for someone like me.

Through navigating her hardships and challenges, Sarah was resilient and guided by her passions. Her motherhood experience inspired her interest in midwifery.

Through my journey of motherhood – with some hard work and the support of my husband, family and close friends I am now the first in my family to attend university.

Ease of application

Sarah applied for the La Trobe Access scholarship through VTAC, in a single application.

I looked at the criteria and I ticked all the boxes. I almost didn’t do it. Then something in me said “it’s worth a shot, can’t hurt to try”… I hit submit and fortunately my application was successful.

How this scholarship could support you

Throughout Sarah’s course there are a total of 46 weeks of unpaid placement. This is on top of requirements for students to spend extra time with families at appointments and births. For Sarah, she has needed to take a lot of unpaid leave from her work and put her life on hold while being on call. Having this scholarship has supported her to make these financial sacrifices less of a burden and get this far in her studies.

How much are they worth?

The Access scholarships are worth $5000 per year and bursaries are a minimum $1000 one-off payment.

VTAC information 

All new and current La Trobe students can apply for scholarships through VTAC.  

There is no charge to apply for scholarships. To make things even easier, here are some samples and demonstration applications to prepare you before you apply. 

Tips for applying 

Want to ensure your application has the best chance of success? Attach any relevant supporting documentation or evidence as requested.  

Refer to the guide on supporting documentation for more information.

Want to submit an application?  

Submit your application for a La Trobe access scholarship and let us support you to help achieve your goals. 

For information on other available scholarships, check out the University Scholarships web page or view the How the La Trobe Access Scholarship could support you article on the MyLaTrobe Hub.