Exploring the Industry Mentoring Program

This article has been written by Jinhyun Son, Career Ready Ambassador, Bendigo

La Trobe University’s Industry Mentoring Program connects students with experienced professionals in their field of study, offering valuable, networking opportunities, and guidance as they prepare for their future careers.

How it works

After signing up for the program, you will be paired with a mentor based on your interests, education, and career aspirations. You can schedule meetings with your mentor flexibly – either online or in person – over a 12-week period.

My personal experience

As a dental student, I was fortunate to be paired with a current dentist who is also a La Trobe graduate. My mentor was able to answer all my questions about the dental field, and shared his personal story of building his own dental practice, which provided me with valuable insights.

One of the standout aspects of the program was the networking opportunities it provided. Beyond our discussions, my mentor introduced me to his colleagues as well, which expanded my network and opened doors to even more valuable insights and advice.

Pro tip: collaborate with your colleagues

If you’re considering joining the program, I highly recommend collaborating with your peers. I signed up with my dental colleagues, and we shared our experiences. Some were matched with professionals in maxillofacial surgery, aesthetic dentistry, and pediatric dentistry. We pooled our insights into a shared document, which allowed us to explore different areas of dentistry and broaden our understanding of the field. This collaborative approach enriched the experience even further.

Why participate in the Industry Mentoring Program?

The benefits of the Industry Mentoring Program extend beyond just receiving advice. It’s a chance to connect with professionals who understand the challenges you’re facing because they’ve been in your shoes. And the networking potential is immense—meeting other professionals through your mentor can open doors to further opportunities in the field.

How to get involved

Getting involved is easy. Simply register for the program. Whether you’re just starting your degree or nearing graduation, the program offers something valuable for students at every stage.

Overall, my experience with La Trobe’s Industry Mentoring Program was incredibly rewarding. I gained invaluable insights, expanded my professional network, and found support from a mentor who understands my journey as a fellow La Trobe graduate. If you’re looking for a way to enhance your university experience and prepare for your future career, join the industry mentoring program!