For more information and to be kept up-to-date with events, contact the individual event organiser.

UniSport Nationals (Division 1 & 2)

Welcome to the premier sporting event for University students - UniSport Nationals! Team La Trobe will participate in 15+ sports, and battle it out against 43 member universities to see who reigns supreme!


UniSport Nationals (Division 1 & 2)

Welcome to the premier sporting event for University students - UniSport Nationals! Team La Trobe will participate in 15+ sports, and battle it out against 43 member universities to see […]

Twilight Tour

Nangak Tamboree Wildlife Sanctuary La Trobe Avenue, Bundoora

Join us for a tour of the Sanctuary! We'll hopefully see possums, bats, birds, the odd gecko and other local wildlife. Bookings essential