For more information and to be kept up-to-date with events, contact the individual event organiser.

Alumni Insights: Navigating Volunteering, Internships, and Placements

A Webinar on insights for the international student cohort on volunteering, internships, and placements. This will include a structured Q&A session featuring alumni who are in their final and penultimate years of their studies who have some remarkable experiences to share. Highlights will include: how to secure opportunities and where to find relevant information on […]


How To Start A Club – Online Info Session

Looking to start your own student club? Want to find out more about community on campus?  Join the next ‘How To Start A Club’ information session online and find out more! Register to attend one of the upcoming virtual sessions HERE. Discover more about the La Trobe University Clubs & Societies program online. 


Women’s Health Week

Celebrate Women's Health La Trobe Students collect your FREE women's health pack from Nursing Hub, Portable and Common Room. Stocks are limited.


Shepparton Footy Fever!

Guess the winner of this year's AFL Grand Final and you could win a prize! Add your guess, and your name to the board in the Common Room for your chance to win.

LTSA Shepparton Tesselaar Tulip Festival

Boogie in the tulips! Put on your dancing shoes and enjoy some rocking tunes in the blooms with live 50's & 60's music. Departing 7am sharp from La Trobe Shepparton, North Street. Returning around 4pm. Tickets LTSA Members $50 Non - LTSA Members $60 Children 16 and under $20 Ticket includes transportation, entry, entertainment and […]